Page 1971 - COG Publications

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AVoice Cries Out:
A Staggering
Turn in
World Events
is due to erupt in the next few years!
Iv the United States,
Britain, Western Europe,
and the Middle East.
It's already rather late for
the Free World to come awake
to the real meaning behind
current world events'
World leaders do not see clearlv
what is coming. WHY' Whv are th�
hest minds not seeing-leaders in
the United States. heads of state
around the world-�c1entists, f"ducators..
edltnrs. news Etnelvsts-hankers. indus­
rriali�ts. leade� i� husmess and com·
merce'' \VHv
Thev are all the product of modem
education. Thev have heen falselv edu­
cated in a svstem where the most impor
tant dime�siun in knowledge is un­
known and untau�ht. Thev have httn
deceived into dosin� thelr �inds to the
hasic CA.l'!'iF.S nf present events and
trends. The world has heen falselv educated
to ii;t:nore f'.4.l sr.s and deal with EffF.f'T!-.
There had to he a rAt·:--r. of pr�ent and
coming F .HlC-TS There ts a rAt · sF. that
has prnduced s1r1fe. violence and war­
povertv. wretchedness, human '.'lutfer­
miz-..:nme. ...,·\despread Lmmorality. the
decadence in the ha.�ic foundation of
any health\ ' and stable socieiv, the FA'-!·
tu· 1·stT' Hut the leaders do not know.
and certain[,_, do not correct the
CAL �a:s'.
World Explosion to Erupt!
There has been a fatal missing dimen
sion in the dis�mination of knowledre
Leaders do not know u·hat man !s. or thf'
purpose and meanmll nf life
They were
not tau2ht 10 distinguish 1he true \'Blues
from the fal� They did not learn the
real \ . 4.1 �F.S of !roubles. nor THE..,.... ,
, . to
peace. happmei.s. abundant well-heinl{
(nr all The:,. · know nothinll of the overall
Pt RPOSF. hetnJ{ wnrked nut here helow
C\insequently thev li!Uide humanitv in a
rour'!le tn c0ntiict with that purpnse
Lacktnli! knowled
e of THF. 1i'-.\\ ' 10 peace.
we have no peace Leaders talk ot peace.
the,· profess to wnrk for peace. the..­
li2"ht for peace. while 1he�· give appr(wal
and hlind acceptance of THF. WAY 1hat
produces wARS
This world is givin,E riv1lizat1on's
acceptance rn THF. wns tha1 are the
rAt SF.S of all the world's e"·dsl
And now we are approachinli!'. the hnal
itrand smaiih explosion. [t wdl stal{ger
the mind of man hevond the hound!. of
sanitv� Fnrces are at work todav on
plan�. conspiracies !hat soon will erupt
the world into a vinlence and cham; such
as nenr occurred hefore and never shall
again! \1en now are tamperinl( with
forces of nature thei.· lack ihe prudence,
knowledge. ab11itv and wisdom 10 con­
trol' In thi� foll�· of e-ducated ignnrance it
has hecnme fa:i.hinne.hle and mteHe{'­
tually titiltating to i.cnore the hasir
'.\find and Power over all·-!he Pl RP<bF.
heinl( worked I\UI here below. Jnd the
master plan fnr ih workinf nu1 -rhe
1nns1ble hu1 :-iupreme Power now .;non
to intervene and i,:.-,;n the impendini
world chaos. It wtll he done t1J ui.. helnre
mankind hlasts its.ell nut ot ' ex1s1ence'
t ' nreal ,hough 11 mav seem to those
..,,eeped m todav·.;. ed�carional decep­
tum�. some 25lH) year-sago the Supreme
Pnwier uf the umver"'e mspirf'd a man
named Isaiah to quote Hlm. fi.8\'inJ;C. "I
am (;od. and there is none like me.
declariniz the end from the heJiCin­
.:.a,·1na:. \h cnunsel ,;,hall
.;,tand The li:'reat world power.- are formulat ·
ing their plans and policif's. But the next
t ew �-ears 1,1,·tll . ;,ee <1s10unding events
explode in a manner \·er�· dltferent than
the�- µlan.
\\'H\ ·
t\e<'au�e there doe� e�i�t \ht
i,::-reat ( ;tid 1,1,·ho .;.a_n ·The Eiernal
wrecks the purposes of pa2ans. hehrin1ZS
t11 nulhin,,?: ""ha1 the natrnns plan: hut
ihe E1ernal ' s Pl ' RPO:-;.F. , nandi. for ever
and what He plans wdl last t 'rom a1Z"e to
The Eternal lo<1ks from hea"·en
hehcildinJ;t: all mankind: from where He
..;its . He scans all who inhab11 the world:
He who alone made their minds. He
no1es all thev do··
ThrouJ;t:h inspired prophets , this same
Eternal tore1old. beginning 2 ,,;oo year..
al{o. the world events of the future­
zeroina: in particularlv on our time .'IIOY.
...\ll event.-. prophesied to occur up to now
ha\·e happened'-wichout a miss' The
rest-the climactic cns1s nf nur F.SO
time-ii. certain-and :-.OON
Yer the world' s hest minds are in to1al
i1mnrance 11t tremendous impendinll
events. \/either relillionisls nor theolo­
f,!ians understand�
Wtflr''l Approxima1el\ one third of all
rhe world's hest . ;
,eller is filled with
PRUPHEC!Es-mostl:i,' foretellinJit our im·
mediate future� Yet the kf'y that
un!ock!lt prophecv to 1 �OERSU.!'iiDIN<;
had been lost' That l.'ital key ha!lt heen
found� But because it 1s .•mt 1he doc1rine
they have heen preachtnll. e-"·anllelical
theolof(ians ridicule it
Thal vital KF.Y j!,, 1he 1den111\.· 111
the l·nittd Slates and Britain in hihlicel
Where 1s 1he L'nited States :-.�iken nf
in hihhcal prnphecies-especla\h.· per­
taininll rn nur ,mmediare future
na11on!ii-E1hiopia. Lihya. E�'Pt. Tur
kev-are mentioned Rus!,,18 is men­
tuined How rnuld :-ouch a �reat 1,1 ,
pnwer as the t ·ni1ed Slates he 12:nnred
Ir t�� · r
What mu ha\ 'e read nn this
pa1Ze 1s taken from rhe 1ntroductinn nf
this re.. ·ealing hook, 1'he i ·meed ,', ' tate.\
and Rntain ,n Prnphf'n
We will present it gratis to those
whnse unpreJudiced eves are wtllinl{ rn
�ee. It is an eye·opE"ninJ;t, intnguin11:
honk-2:10 pa2"es Ynu mav have an
attractive paperhound copy, illustrated
in cnl0r. gratis on request-with no
tnllow.up. Or. if you prefer. �·ou may hu:,.
a dis11nctin hardcover copv at flook-
Hf:RRF.RT W ...\R"4STRONc;
Pastor (�eneral
)rldwtde Church of Cod
�\ · t> hint> no1h1nir 1" -..t>1J Hutt" 1hu�t> ""h" m1i,:ht ,·art' 1..r H. Wt' .,.,·111 �end. !frat is. 11.11h
nP lnlluw·11p. tht' 1ntr11Culnil: ho.,k h\ \1r ..\rms.tron1C. Tii,· 1 · '11/f'd '1ar,.., , 1rtd
Rr1ra1" 1n f
�,,p1-r.,, 1 .\ddre"'" \\"rld'A1dt> l'hurrh "t c;,,d. Pa�adt'na. ('a;hf 91 :�:t
,,r ,·.11l t,,11 frt>t> ,�
1111 .f,!:l H4-i In l
a ,· all ,,,,IJe,t 1:!J l1 . 1:-:- . -,2:!."i
Page 3