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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, February 27, 1981
same time ruled unanimously in favor of our petition! Thus the High
Court bypassed the District Court of Appeals and declared the matter moot.
This decision, so unique in California Appellate Court procedure, should
have significant bearing on the remaining matters still pending in the
state court system.
We still have pending our appeals of the lower court's awarding of fees
to the receiver and we are still attempting to get the California District
Court of Appeals or the Supreme Court to rule that the initial imposi­
tion of the receiver was unlawful from the outset.
It is interesting that the highest court of the State of California, in
its first appellate ruling has granted us the exact relief that was
* * * * *
S.E.P. Update
Plans are well under way for S.E.P. at Orr this summer. As was announced
earlier, we will be running three 3-week sessions with tuition staying
at $175 plus a $25 clothing fee.
Dates for each session are: Session
Session II
Session III
June 10-June 29
July 3-July 23
July 17-August 16.
To date we have received 675 applications and they are coming in at a
rate of 25 per day. We already have enough applications for the second
session to be more than full.
(No one has been accepted yet, though,
as we want to give first-time campers priority.)
If you have young people in your church who want to attend, we encourage
you to have them submit their applications as soon as possible and to
apply for first or third sessions whenever possible. We will start making
acceptances in mid-March.
Along this same line, we just talked with Mr. Tkach about church scholar­
ships. He wanted us to encourage any local congregation which can do so
to sponsor a deserving youth to camp. This can be done through Spokesman
Club sponsorship or in other ways. You can sponsor either a youth from
your church or from another church area.
Along another line, plans call for us to do a lot of maintenance and
remodeling of the Orr property this summer. We plan to upgrade the dorms,
faculty units, and bath houses. It has been several years since any
appreciable amount of work has been done on the property in general.
This summer's work will help bring the property back up to the standards
which Mr. Armstrong desires.
Y.E.S. Update
Plans for implementation of the new Y.E.S. program this spring are still
on schedule. The first lessons have been approved by Mr. Armstrong and
are currently at press. Current scheduled mailing date is the latter
part of April. Lessons should be in the hands of each student by early