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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, February 27, 1981
Mr. Herbert Armstrong Speaks in Seattle
(The following report on Mr. Armstrong's recent trip to Seattle comes from
Mr. Dennis Luker, Pastor of the Seattle Church.)
On the Sabbath of February 14, Mr. Herbert Armstrong spoke in Seattle,
Washington to an overflow crowd of 2,713 brethren. This included members
from all churches in the state of Washington plus a number from Portland,
Oregon and Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
Mr. Armstrong was accompanied by his wife, Ramona, and by Mr.· and Mrs.
Dean Blackwell and Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Neff. Mr. Blackwell and Mr. Neff
are evangelists in God's Church.
The brethren were very excited because Mr. Armstrong had not visited this
area and spoken to the churches for about twenty years. A large number
were seeing and hearing him in person for the first time. They were not
disappointed. Mr. Armstrong spoke for over two hours and was very strong
both in delivery and in what he said.
His sermon subject was "What and Why Is the Church?" Mr. Armstrong made
it very clear that this is the Church of God, not the church of a man.
But he did explain how God called him, trained him and has used him to
build this Work. He reminded us of where we learned the truth and
strongly exhorted and encouraged us to remain loyal and faithful through
the trials that lie ahead.
Mr. Armstrong's presence and manner of speaking was very encouraging and
strengthening to all of us. He spoke with power and authority--beyond
the human strength of a man nearly 90 years old. He told us all that he
loved us and thanked everyone for being patient while he spoke for over
two hours. It was a great blessing and honor to have God's Apostle visit
us. We pray he will be able to visit other areas and deliver a similar
International News
Developments in Australia January 1981 was a most encouraging and profit­
able month for activities in God's Work in Australia. The new year got
under way with an enthusiastic start!
The media and advertising efforts continue to be concentrated on actively
promoting a Newsstand Programme, The WORLD TO.MORROW on radio and tele­
vision, and placing Mr. Armstrong's Wall Street Journal ads in major
Australian newspapers. Thanks to Jesus Christ who opens the doors for
His Work, some major breakthroughs have already been achieved!
The Newsstand Programme is already under way with an initial 15,000
copies of the newsstand edition of The PLAIN TRUTH magazine being dis­
tributed in January, rising to 25,000 in February. Newsstands already
approved are: three at Sydney Railway Stations; two excellent outlets at
the Sydney International and TAA Domestic Air Terminals; three downtown
stands in Melbourne; one stand on the main railway station in Adelaide;
three outlets in downtown Hobart; and three in the city of Perth, one of
(Continued on page 10)