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'I'he International Edition has also been circulating on newsstands in
South Africa. However, it was doing extremely well there and with
a modicum of expense due to the already heavy penetration of the area
by the Work's publications, and by Mr. Armstrong's activities over
the past two years. Cons_equently we more than 1,ikely wil1 print and
bulk-ship the U.S. Edition for continued circulation in the very
fruitful South African market. We shall also continue to fulfill
subscriptions already generated from the International Edition.
As you can see, these recent decisions of Mr. Armstrong concerning the
future of QUEST were not precipitous in any way. Over these many months
Mr. Armstrong has expressed concern over the apprehensions and doubts
of some concerning what QUEST'S role was and was not intended to be in
helping indirectly in our commission of proclaiming the gospel. On-
the positive side, we greatly value the acclaim the magazine has brought
to us by being an outstanding success in the very difficult and compe­
titive arena of magazine publishing.
So, while.the Church is withdrawing from active ·day-to-day involvement
in the magazine, it remains a very valuable investment until disposed
of. In this we are stewards and must protect our investment as we
proceed to elicit and consider all suitable offers. (We are, by the
way, receiving calls every day from interested buyers.} If this di­
vestment of QUEST should take months before we match the right buyer
with the right price we will, in the meantime, soon be receiving a
return as the magazine gets in the black.
-- Stanley R. Rader
weeks -- �irst time I've taken a comelete vacation since being in
the Work. While away I managed to get a good start on several PT
articles �nd catch up on my reading. Have to fill the well, you
know. •
Contrary to an absurd rumor I heard, I was not in Colorado "conspiring"
with anyone -- I was in Canada staying withrelatives -- and getting
sick the last week. No matter what anyone is saying, I had no contact
whatsoever with Mr. GTA during the entire vacation period. Rumors can
certainly be maddening!
In any event, plans are proceeding well for the biblical supplement
to be added to the current PT. Because we are working so far ahead,
however, the first installment may not show up until November or
December. Many have expressed great enthusiasm for the supplement -­
Frank Brown believes it will be a great help to the Work in England.
We certainly hope so!
We have some fresh copy on hand from Mr. Herbert Armstrong for the PT
and that will appear in the next issue we are working on -- October/
-- Brian Knowles, Editorial Services
SUGGESTIONS FROM THE FIELD The following remarks about member moves
from Ron Lohr, Pastor in Tampa, Florida, concern a problem that is
fairly wide-spread and especially affects us here at Pasadena. Pastors