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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, February 20, 1981
FRESNO, CA--ALTON B. BILLINGSLEY: The Fresno Church just celebrated
its 25th anniversary (1/28/56 - 1/28/81) on the 31st. It was an all­
time high for us. God caused everything to fall into place for us.
We will never forget it. Two of the three ministers that were here
the first Sabbath were here again for this one. Mr. Norman Smith
gave the sermonette, Dr. Hoeh the sermon. Mr. Dean Blackwell, our
guest, conducted the song service.
To make the service complete we heard a special taped "GREETINGS"
and talk just for us from Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. He gave us
some personal information regarding the beginning of the Fresno
Church--and his son, Mr. Richard D. Armstrong, who was our first
pastor. There weren't very many dry eyes while he was talking.
He really made our day when he said, "Had I been in Tucson I would
have flown over and been with you today."
We all knew he meant
it. Fantastic!!!
The Ambassador Royals Orchestra featuring Ross Jutsum was with us
for the dinner/dance. They were superb! We truly appreciate the
help given us by so many people to make it such a memorable occasion.
I do want to mention Photo Files in Pasadena, and from Big Sandy,
Texas. Then Ellis Stewart and Dixon Cartright, who were respon­
sible for the printing and makeup of our beautiful "Memento" (a
tribute to Mr. Armstrong). Also, Mr. Joe Tkach and Mr. Guy Ames who
made a special effort to make contact with Mr. Armstrong about
our Church Anniversary. God truly blessed us.
GARDEN GROVE, CA--TERRY P. MATTSON: With the Church getting more
and more back on track, real growth is once again realized! At
present I am in the process of counseling 25 for baptism. The new
PMs are very responsive, enthusiastic, and eager to do whatever God
expects of them. It's been a real thrill for the members to witness
the new PMs in attendance.
SAN ANGELO, TX--LYLE GREAVES: Continuing comments of appreciation
for Mr. Armstrong's tapes are being voiced here in San Angelo.
The Jasper Church started with 186
in attendance and continues above original projections. Five pro­
spective baptisms are in the offing from this area. The Jasper
brethren are so happy to have a church of their own which saves
them miles of driving and gasoline expense. Enthusiasm runs HIGH!
Looks like pre­
Passover trials are beginning to surface with many of the bretnren.
Seems like many are having increased family problems with perse­
cuting overtones. Overall, the brethren are very inspired by Mr.
Armstrong's tape series on Corinthians and mindful of upsurge in
prophetic events. Positive comments regarding the new YOUTH 81
magazine for teens are being made!