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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, February 20, 1981
Page 9
Dear Mr. Blackwell:
You are the pastors
"pastor"! We who are the "sheep-keepers" and
are used of God to ''feed the flock" need to be fed too! Thank you
for feeding us so we're so full of God's Word and the approach we
should take in Christ's ministry that we're ready to burst.
Wendy and I appreciated your balanced, down-to-earth, witty, and
even "folksy" manner toward teaching us all. You mentioned to me
that you missed "being a field pastor because you hadn't been able
to marry or bury anybody in so long." Well, we'll do those duties
for you, since you are needed far more for teaching the ministry
worldwide your wealth of pastoral knowledge,and experience. We
enjoyed most your recitings from your ministerial conference notes
of Mr. Armstrong back to 1955. It seemed like Mr. Armstrong was
personally talking to us all through the program.
William and Wendy Pack
Conunents From Monthly Church Reports
GLENDORA, CA--CARN CATHERWOOD: Growth is still very good. There
are many new people coming in--mainly through TV and personal con­
tact. It is exciting to see the large number of new faces at ser­
The Church in Glendora is definitely growing in so many ways. The
degree of involvement in any activity (social, Bible study, club)
is continually on the rise. As the Church overall goes through re­
newal, the local congregation in Glendora is definitely growing in
a spirit of conunitment and involvement-which is very exciting. It
reminds me of the late 50's when excitement was at a peak.
OAKLAND, CA--CARLTON SMITH: The people show maturity and solidity.
They are loyal and faithful to the Work and Mr. Armstrong. A num­
ber of dissenters have left recently,leaving the rest in peace.
SANTA ROSA/FAIRFIELD, CA--ED MAUZEY: We are really enjoying the
Herbert W. Armstrong Bible Study tapes.
MONROE, LA--BRISCOE ELLETT II: New people are coming along. God's
Spirit is stirring up many who have had past contact with the Church
to get on the ball. I am visiting several in that category. Family
problems head the list. Increased interest in prophecy is surfacing.
Overall, this Church is growing too. It is obvious that God's Spirit
is here.
ALEXANDRIA, LA--BRISCOE ELLETT II: This church is continuing to
grow closer together. We have a high Bible study attendance and
excellent turn out for the socials. Family problems are the single
biggest concern. Several of the new PMs are really having perse­
cution from unconverted mates. Several have been very sick this
winter. I just wanted to say how impressed I am with Mr. Armstrong's
tapes on I and II Corinthians. His mental acumen is amazing. I
believe all of the brethren realize how blessed we are that God has
raised him up to do the Work. Who else could do it?
P.S. No rain here--only 1/3 normal during this time--makes drought
a very real spectre this sununer.