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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, February 20, 1981
This course was very positive and balanced. We were especially
blessed in having all of the Spanish ministry attend at the same time
and visually experience God's Spirit surmount any language barrier.
The men you have chosen to work under you also demonstrated what
God's Spirit can do despite the various personalities involved. They
are at one, striving to do their best as a team unit.
Again, thank you for giving us positive instruction that will enable
my wife and me to better fulfill our callings in the Church of God.
Bill and Linda Rabey
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
What a privilege it is to write to you!
It's the £irst time. My
wife, Wendy, and I have just returned home after having spent the
most inspiring and motivating three weeks of our livies during the
seventh session of the Ministerial Refreshing Program. The time
was spent in an environment of character and quality, at God's Col­
lege, the most beautiful campus on earth.
Th�nk you for this unique, balanced, and mature program. Also,
what an honor it has been, and is, for us to have a part in the number
one and number two most important jobs on earth, respectively, as it
was explained in the proper perspective to us by Mr. Tkach. I speak
of Christ's ministry, of course.
We not only respect the high office Christ has placed you into, but
do also "esteem (you personally) very highly in love (and appreciation)
for (THE) Work's sake." We are happy to be on the same team that you
William and Wendy Pack
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Wendy and I are back in Maryland now, but the impact of the Minis­
terial Refreshing Program is still very much upon us. We were moved
by, and have a great deal of respect for, your personal example of
leadership, tireless work and sacrifice, and loyalty to Jesus Christ
and His Apostle.
But most of all, we appreciate your approach toward your responsi­
bilities in Ministerial Services and toward Mr. Armstrong. Or. Hoeh
explained to us that the approach previously had alwavs been, "to
try to get Mr. Armstrong to approve this or that policy or program."
He said, though, that your approach is: "Mr. Armstrong, what would
you like us to do?"
With all of us adopting that correct approach, I am sure God will
continue to bless this Work with the "Midas Touch" you spoke of.
Thank you for your important efforts in these Refreshing Programs
and in God's Work.
William and Wendy Pack