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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, February 20, 1981
Page 7
Impressions: I have heard corrunents about previous sessions of the
Ministerial Refreshing Program and, personally, I firmly believe that
this program has been inspired by God Himself in order to unify the
Body of Christ via the ministry and to cast off all uncleanness from
the Body, by speaking and thinking the same thing, and backing up
Christ's Apostle, Mr. Armstrong. I was impressed by the new envi­
ronment of love and trust which is present here at headquarters, with
the leaders supporting Mr. Armstrong and the teaching coming from the
physical head of the Church. Now, having received this invaluable
teaching, we shall be better able to serve the family of the Body of
Christ. We shall be able to share the benefits of this program with
them, and in this way, day by day, the Church will be getting ready
to welcome Christ, as a chaste and spotless Church. Thank you for
the opportunity to have been able to attend this program, and thanks
to all those who made this teaching possible and imparted this valu­
able knowledge.
Daniel Vazquez, Mexico, D.F.
Las impresiones de este Programa de Repaso Ministerial: para
mi fueron de lo mejor -- he aprendido mucho y espero poder ayu­
dar a mi esposo y a las personas de la Iglesia.
Tengo tambi�n muy buenas impresiones del Colegio, estudiantes,
puntualidad en los servicios, orden en cuanto a comida. Todo
me ha sido muy edificante. Quiero darle las gracias al Sr.
Armstrong por haber permitido que se llevaran a cabo: gracias
sinceramente a Dios, a El y a todos los que nos dieron las
clases. Dios los bendiga.
Maria Cruz V�zquez, M�xico D.F.
P.O. Gracias al Sr. Leon Walker y a todas las personas que nos
ayudaron a tener una estancia agradable aqu1. Gracias.
My impressions of the Ministerial Refreshing Program: it was excel­
lent--I have learned a lot and I hope to be able to help my husband
and members of the Church.
I also came away with a very good impression of the College, the stu­
dents, punctuality in Church services and order at mealtime. Every­
thing has been very edifying for me. I want to thank Mr. Armstrong
for allowing it to be carried out, and a heartfelt thanks to God and
to all those who taught the classes. May God bless you.
Maria Cruz Vazquez, Mexico City
P.S. "Thank you" to Mr. Leon Walker and to everybody who helped us
to have such a pleasant stay here. Thank you.
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Linda and I would like to thank you very much for giving us the
opportunity to participate in the Refreshing Program. We thoroughly
appreciated the information and inspiration passed on to us.