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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, February 20, 1981
Spanish-language Area News Total income figures for the year of 1980
show a remarkable increase of 104% overall for the countries of Latin
America over 1979.
1981 should produce a year of even more growth for the Spanish area of
God's Work. Plans are being made to increase advertising in several of
the Spanish-speaking countries. A vigorous newspaper ad campaign in
Mexico is in the planning stage. Ads are to be placed in cities such as
Tijuana, Mexicali, Chihuahua, Monterrey, Veracruz, Guadalajara and other
important population centers throughout Mexico. The wall card program
will also be promoted in all areas of the country.
An important goal in reaching one of the most prominent nations in Latin
America is to increase the number of La PURA VERDAD (Spanish Plain Truth)
subscribers in Argentina (population of 28 million) to 8,000 by June of
1981. Due to exorbitant media costs in Argentina, one of the principal
activities in that country will be the distribution of some 90,000 wall
Soon Venezuela should also show a marked growth in the number of PV
subscribers. Plans are under way to distribute 16,000 mini-PV brochures
in Caracas. This program will follow the pattern of a similar one which
was very successful in the U.S. The brochure is a four-page pamphlet
promoting the Spanish-language Plain Truth. Newspaper advertising is
also being planned on a smaller scale.
Mr. Leon Walker, Spanish Department Director, has set a goal of reaching
a subscription list of 100,000 during 1981. Taking into account the fact
that we have an on-going renewal program, this will necessitate reaching
80,000 new subscribers (representing some 400,000 readers) to achieve this
Appreciation for Ministerial Refreshing Program
Spanish-Speaking Attendees Give Their Impressions:
(The following two letters were originally written in Spanish. Transla­
tion into English appears after each.)
Irnpresiones: He escuchado comentarios de los anteriores pro­
gramas para ministros, pero en lo personal, creo firmemente que
este curso ha sido inspirado por Dios mismo, para unificar al
Cuerpo de Cristo por medio de los ministros y para echar fuera
la inmundicia de este Cuerpo, hablando y pensando una sola cosa,
apoyando al Ap6stol de Cristo que es el Sr. Armstrong. Me ha
impresionado el nuevo ambiente de amor y confiabilidad que
existe aqu! en la central, con los pilares apoyando al Sr. Arm­
strong, y todo conocimiento saliendo de la cabeza ffsica de la
Iglesia. Ahora con este valiosfsimo conocimiento recibido po­
dremos servir major a la familia del Cuerpo de Cristo; podremos
hacerles llegar los beneficios de este curso y en esta forma ca­
da d!a se estara preparando la Iglesia para recibir a Cristo,
como una Iglesia pura y sin mancha. Gracias por esta oportunidad
de estar presente en este curso, y gracias a todos aquellos
quienes hicieron posible esta instruccion e impartieron estos
valiosos conocimientos.
Daniel V�zquez, M�xico, D.F.