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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, February 13, 1981
firsthand the renewed and GENUINE spirit and attitude of love and
helpfulness at Pasadena was encouraging and uplifting beyond words.
In the nearly ten years I have been serving in the ministry, I can
genuinely say that I have never been as enthused and excited about
the Work as a whole and the ministry in particular. Being a pastor
is enjoyable and exciting again.
Renewing old friendships and building new ones was undoubtedly one
of the highlights of the program. The entire three weeks I didn't
hear a negative comment, either in class or privately, and that is
a real change!
Thanks again for everything. We love you and pray
for you daily.
Roger and Donna Abels
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
We have just finished the seventh session of the Refreshing Program
which contained many inspiring and helpful lectures that are being
taught by men who are faithfully carrying out your instructions.
It is good to see that progress is being made in the Work and
we thank God for it.
While the program was in session we were able to hear a preview of
your ad that was addressed to President Reagan before it appeared in
The Wall Street Journal. We were moved by the message it contained.
This ad, along with the others you have written, can't help but capĀ­
ture the attention of those who see them and stimulate the thinking
of those who read them.
Our prayers are with you always as you continue to do the work God
has given you to do.
Al and Joann Dennis
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I wish to express our appreciation to you for the
Ministerial Refreshing Program. We attended the seventh session.
We especially enjoyed being able to have all of the Spanish-speaking
ministers present at the same time.
We also feel much more unified and inspired in order to continue to
do God's Work in Latin America with all of our might. Thank you again.
Tom and Jody Turk, Mexico City
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Linnea and I want to express our appreciation for the Ministerial
Refreshing Program and your leadership under Jesus Christ. We are
happy and proud to help hold up your arms as you carry on in this
end-time Work.
The Church is clearly being revitalized through an extensive pruning
process (John 15:2). The body is healthier than it has been for the