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Paqe 6
PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, February 13, 1981
If you were in England and were invited to visit the Queen
ham Palace, would you qo with dirty shoes and sloppy, unpressed clothes?
I hardly think so.
Then do you consider that GOD HIMSELF does not deserve
even the respect you would show to the Queen of England?
Symbols of Righteousness
WHY did Jesus use the kind of garments we wear to represent righteous­
ness or unrighteousness? He would not have done this unless it IS IMPOR­
TANT to Him how you come dressed to church.
In Zechariah 3:1-7 the high priest Joshua was clothed with filthy
garments, and Satan standing beside him. Apparently Joshua (a type of
one today) was in the grip of Satan, unable to wrest himself free from
Satan. He was clothed with filthy garments, typical of SIN, under Satan's
grip, unable to loose himself.
Then Christ came and rebuked Satan. Christ freed Joshua from Satan's
grip on him. Then Christ gave order to remove the filthy garments on
Joshua (picturing freeing him from satanic SIN, due to Satan's grip on him.)
Jesus said he caused Joshua's sin to be forgiven and ordered them to
clothe Joshua with clean garments and set a miter on his head, saying to
Joshua, "IF thou wilt walk in my ways, and IF thou wilt keep my charge,
then thc-1shalt also judge my house, and shalt also keep my courts"
(verse 7) .
Angels usually appear in WHITE garments, as a symbol of purity and
Yes, IT DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE TO GOD how you come dressed in His
presence at church services! Surely,
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Wayne Chapman Making Good Progress
You will recall that Wayne Chapman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chapman,
has been in a comn since his fall from a scaffold nearly three
months ago. We are happy to report that Wayne is able to take nour­
ishment orally now, albeit slowly, and this week he has also said
a few words. These positive and very encouraging signs indicate that
he is starting to come out of his coma. The Chapman's are deeply
grateful for everyone's prayers and request that we continue to pray
for Wayne's complete healing.
Appreciation for Ministerial Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Thank you very much for giving us the cpportunity to experience
the Ministerial Refreshing Program. The material and knowledge
we received was helpful to be sure. Yet I believe to see and feel
(Continued on page 8)