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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, February 13, 1981
Page 3
It is planned that full information on the festival sites will be
included in an April issue of �he WORLDWIDE NEWS.
All of the housing
information and other details will be included in this special issue.
The Church pastors should announce to their congregations that no further
housing arrangements should be made by Church members until the April
issue of The WORLDWIDE NEWS is released. However, this does not affect
housing that has already been reserved by members. In the April issue
of The WORLDWIDE NEWS we will have all housing establishments and the
best rates verified at that time for the benefit of the Church members.
Reminder About Dress :Co;� Sabbath Services
As pastors, we need to be continually mindful of how important it is
for members of our congregations to glorify and honor God in the way
they dress for Sabbath services. As Mr. Armstrong states in the May 21,
1979 WORLDWIDE NEWS, "It does make a difference to God how you come
dressed to Church services."
Several pastors have sked about women wearing pantsuits to Church services,
or skirts or dresses with high slits. Others have asked about men wear­
ing sport shirts, or no tie or jacket.
As Mr. Armstrong puts it, "When you come to Church services, you are
comirg into the very presence of God!" Surely the answer to those
questions is obvious. Mr. Armstrong has always taught
u1a L
not need to go out and buy new clothes.
But we should dress �E in the
best we have, because God will be watching!
Reprinted here is Mr. Armstrong's article from the May 21, 1979 WORLDWIDE
NEWS. Please read it to your congregations in teaching and reminding
them about this important part of glorifying God on the Sabbath.
Could it keep you out of the KINGDOM?
by Herbert W. Armstrong
(Worldwide News, May 21, 1979)
ARE SOME OF our members going to be kept out of the Kingdom of God,
because of the way you dress for church services?
In some of our churches members never think of dressing up, but come
in slovenly attire, overalls, blue jeans, tennis shoes, any kind of
slouchy sport clothes.