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Page 21
Another highlight of the recent successful visit by God's Apostle to
Manila was a 30th anniversary dinner that Mr. Armstrong hosted in the
Champagne Room of the Manila Hotel for my wife and me in remembrance
of our 30th wedding anniversary.
It was an unbelievably beautiful evening and to borrow a phrase, "A
night to be long remembered."
Mr. Armstrong, and of course his wife
Ramona, were host and hostess.
A special cake had been ordered by Mr.
Armstrong for the occasion.
A string orchestra played the entire
evening, for all practical purposes, at our table and Mr. Armstrong's
sister-in-law, Mary Ellen Dahlgren, was pursuaded by me to sing.
of you are probably unaware that she has an unbelievably beautiful
(The next day we were sitting for a few moments at the pool
enjoying the early morning sun and a woman, who was apparently sitting
with her husband across the crowded room, mentioned what a beautiful
party somebody was having that evening in the Champagne Room and what
a magnificent voice she had heard across the room.)
Also present were
others on Mr. Armstrong's staff for the trip:
Mr. John Kineston, Mr.
Henry Cornwall, Mr. Joseph Kotora, Captain Black, Eilene McManus and
Peggy Gigstad.
This is the third memorable anniversary that I have had the good fortune
to spend in Mr. Armstrong's company as his guest.
My wife and I cele­
brated both our 20th and our 25th anniversaries with him and other guests
in his home in Pasadena.
--Stanley R. Rader
Occasionally we receive letters or calls from people concerned that their
PLAIN TRUTH and/or Correspondence Course lesson are late in arriving.
There may be several reasons for this.
The PLAIN TRUTH is mailed directly from the printer in Glasgow, Kentucky
around the first week of each month.
We schedule to send the Corres­
pondence Course on the 15th of the month.
To save the Work millions of
dollars each year, The PLAIN TRUTH is sent by second-class mail and the
Correspondence Course by third-class.
This way the postage costs are only
approximately 3 1/2¢ per item mailed.
If mailed first-class, The PLAIN
TRUTH would cost 54¢ a piece and each Correspondence Course lesson would
be 41¢.
While first-class mail is usually delivered in four to five days,
third-class deliveries may require 10 to 18 days or longer.
On occasion, other U.S. postal problems may result in delays; for example,
mail being mis-sorted or mis-routed.
In such cases, the mail may take
another week to arrive.
Also, mail is sometimes delayed through seasonal
(such as Xmas) or because of bad weather.
Scarcely ever is mail
simply lost.
If a wrapper comes off and is separated from a Correspon­
dence Course lesson, the wrapper is returned to us.
We then resend the
Thus, erratic deliveries are outside the Work's control.