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PA'STOR GENERAL'S REPORT, February 6, 1981
Page 5
God's Word, His chosen servant was converted--CHANGED--from carnal minded­
ness to Spiri� mindedness.
In that introductory, initial in-depth Biblical study, the living
Christ had revealed the BASICS to me which the professing "Christian"
churches did not possess. I had gone through seven years of deep
spiritual experience. Through me Christ had healed the sick, cast out
demons, working supernatural spiritual miracles besides opening my mind
to His Spiritual TRUTHS, even such as no church on earth was proclaiming.
It was a spiritual and knowledgeable experience such as none has today.
The living Christ started me in the smallest manner. He always
starts things the very smallest through humans, like the illustration
of the grain of mustard seed. A free 15-minute morning ''devotional
period" for one week was opened to me on radio KORE, Eugene.
The first Sunday in 1934 the full half-hour "World Tomorrow" program
went on the air, then under the name, "Radio Church of God."
February 1, The PLAIN TRUTH, Vol. 1, No. 1, made its humble bow.
A mimeographed "Bulletin" was the fledgling pioneer of The GOOD NEWS.
I continued personal campaigns speaking in school houses, a tent
seating some 400, and whatever halls or auditoriums I could rent.
My first office was a room in the old Masonic Temple in Eugene. I
had engaged the hall for meetings for the public three nights a week at
$10 per month. The room which made an office came with it. Later I
an inside
outside windows or ventila­
tion of any kind,at $5 per month.
I could not afford a stenographer or secretary. My wife was my sole
staff. However, this was the 20th century. I was beginning to use the
modern facilities of our materially advanced civilization. The PLAIN TRUTH
had started on a borrowed mimeograph. The local A.B. Dick Co. mimeograph
dealer allowed me to use his mimeograph for that first 250-copy edition
of The PLAIN TRUTH. However, he didn't want that to continue every month.
He found an old ancestor to the mimeograph--a hand-cranked neostyle, which
he sold me for $10.
first edition stencils were cut on a borrowed
typewriter. I also managed to obtain a secondhand typewriter for $10
for the second month.
So already I was using modern radio--though the smallest in power--a
100-watt station. And now a typewriter and a mimeograph.
But we live in a far, far different world than that of Apostles Peter
and Paul.
The word apostle means "one sent forth" with Christ's Gospel Message
--the same Message Jesus brought from God.
As stated above, Peter was chief apostle and human leader in the
earliest years of the Church. After Peter seems to drop from sight, Paul
was in charge, on the earthly,human level of the Church. Following this
Biblical pattern and example, Christ's apostle is human leader under
Christ, and in His authority, today.