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All of us here in Mr. Armstrong's party--Mrs. Armstrong, my wife,
Mr. Joseph Kotora, Mr. John Kineston, Mr. Henry Cornwall, Mrs. Mary
Ellen Dahlgren, as well as the television crew--feel especially blessed
to have been able to participate daily and to witness with our own eyes
all of the exciting events which unfolded before us.
Yes, Christ's Apostle has certainly begun 1981 with a running start
--1981 should be the biggest year yet in the history of the Work.
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* * *
Dateline: Manila, January 29, 1981
"Yours will not be a voice crying in the wilderness, Mr. Armstrong, for
there are thousands, nay, millions of Filipinos who will listen to your
message...." These were the words of Dr. Marcos Eras, Vice President of
Adamson University, as he introduced Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, Pastor
General of the Worldwide Church of God, to a friendly and enthusiastic
crowd of over 4,000 Filipinos at the beautiful new Philippine Inter­
national Convention Center on January 24 and 25, 1981. The auditorium,
which se�ts 5,000, averaged over 4,000 in attendance each night, with a
near capacity crowd attending on the second night. The very warm, res­
ponsive audience included many students who had come in response to a
newspaper advertisement about an essay contest based on Mr. Armstrong's
Mr. Armstrong delivered a powerful, hard-hitting message direct from the
scriptures. On the first night, Mr. Armstrong spoke of the evils of
today's world brought about by the way of get chosen by the first Adam.
On the second evening, he expounded the good news of the return of Christ,
the second Adam, to establish the way of give in the government of God on
earth. He challenged the audience to repent and to change their lives
from the way of get to God's way of give. He mentioned that the Filipinos
are the warmest and most friendly people he has met. At the end of each
evening the audience responded to Mr. Armstrong with a standing ovation.
As Mr. Armstrong ended his message the final evening, the new regional
director, Mr. Guy Ames, was introduced. He invited the audience to write
for any of our literature they might want, or to visit our office. Mr.
,�es repeated Mr. Armstrong's offer to the teenagers in the audience to
request our new magazine YOUTH 81. He mentioned that we have an all­
Filipino ministry and an all-Filipino office staff to serve them.
Minister's Son Still Needs Our Prayers
As you will recall, Wayne Chapman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chapman who
serve the Reno Church, fell three stories from a scaffold to the pavement
in late October last year. In a telephone conversation with Mr. Chapman
recently, he said Wayne is still in a coma. However, God has already
intervened on his behalf in many miraculous ways since his accident. He
is moving around in bed quite a bit now, and looks as if he might wake up
and talk to his parents at any moment. Your continued prayers are most
certainly appreciated by the Chapman family.