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mission. My prayers are for Mr. Rader also. I am glad God gave
you a good helper. So have a safe and fulfilling journey.
Mrs. Gerald Shireman (Richland Ctr., WI)
I thank God for giving you (Mr. Armstrong) back your health, strength
and power. I pray that He will continue to strengthen, guide and
protect you as you begin another trip overseas in January.
Mrs. Louis Kaposy (Avella, PA)
We hope and pray that your trip beginning in January will be a great
success and that it will be the start of a "full speed ahead" time.
We are behind you 100% and will try our best to stay up with you,
knowing full well we can't.
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Lopez (Houston, TX)
May your latest trip abroad, Mr. Armstrong, be a huge success in
proclaiming God's gospel to world leaders. And may God give you
the continued and increased wisdom to say the right words to these
leaders. My prayers for your protection and the protection of your
entire team go with you all.
George W. Faulkner (W. Palm Beach, FL)
We are very happy that you and your group are overseas fulfilling
God's Commission of getting the Gospel to all nations. We do pray
for you (Mr. Armstrong) that you may enjoy the best of health while
in these foreign lands, and that our God will fill you wit� much
wisdom and a double amount of His Holy Spirit, to guide you and
comfort you in this Work. We know God is with you and will bless
Bruce B. Douglass (Clatskanie, OR)
Members Highly Value Their Calling
I am enclosing my first tithe. I know that God will guide you in
furthering His great Commission that we are so blessed to be a part
of. Truly, tithing is a great blessing because we are made junior
partners with God in giving His end-time witness to this wretched
world and preparing the way for God to establish his wonderful World
Tomorrow. Then all mankind will come to know, respect and love
Almighty God our Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. There is nothing
that can really equal God's calling to be a part of His Work--His
firstfruits. It is a great privilege!
Graeme Ogilvie (Beaverton, OR)
I wish to let you know that I am very happy and grateful that God
has put me in His Church. I feel very blessed. I didn't realize
how happy all the people in God's Church could be. We seem able to
cope with difficulties in a saner way and not let these serious
matters affect us in the same way it affects most people. I am very
glad that I have something to work for--the World Tomorrow.
Mrs. Louise Kniffen (Mesa, AZ)
I love this Work that God has called me to be a part of. I know that
this is the true Church of God. My life is so different now--I al-