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It was good to experience the refreshing atmosphere of friendliness
amongst fellow ministers and wives, the College students, and mem­
bers of the Pasadena congregation. It is evident that God is re­
storing His blessings upon His Church as we seek to please Him and
back up His chosen Apostle in fulfilling the greatest Work on earth.
We count ourselves very privileged to be called to feed the flock
and complete the Work God has entrusted us to do.
Finally, we wish you good health and greater success in all your
dedicated services to God, Mr. Armstrong and the Church.
Yong Chin Gee and Yuet Siam
Mr. Tkach:
I feel like a Blatz Beer commercial!
I didn't believe it! The Refreshing Program could not be that
inspiring and helpful as the Pastor General's Report comments
suggested. Could it be that unifying?
Well, I'm a believer now! We have gleaned more in the first three
days than all other conferences combined! The best part of the
1978 conference was going out to dinner.
The best part of the Refreshing Program has been the spiritual
food. The spiritual diet has been helpful, inspiring, motivating,
encouraging, balanced, wise and unifying.
Please thank all those involved for helping us to grow and to
better serve the people of God.
Chuck Calahan
Weekly Letter Comments
Our first group of letters shows that Mr. Armstrong's December member/co­
worker letter brought excitement over the growth of the Work and the plans
for 1981.
It also inspired brethren to strive yet harder in backing God's
In the next group, members express complete support of Mr. Arm­
strong as he continues to take the gospel message overseas. They continue
to pray for his health, guidance and protection. Finally, brethren ex­
press appreciation for God's calling and realize what a blessing and priv­
ilege it is to have a part in His Work.
December Letter Inspired Brethren
Thank you very much for your December 19 letter.
It is very encourag­
ing to hear what you are planning, what is on your mind, and to know
the direction God is leading you. Thank you very much for letting
us know and reminding us of our part in this Work. We will try to
do better than before in supporting you in all aspects. We hope you
have a tremendously successful trip and are behind you 100%. We
love you very much.
Rejean and Joan Vautour (Pasadena, CA)
Your latest member/co-worker letter of December 19 so moved and
inspired me that I just had to write and tell you. I pray that