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South African News Five ministers and their wives have already attended
the Ministerial Refreshing Program in Pasadena and returned to South
Africa. They all found the program very, very profitable with one main
theme: to instruct and equip the ministry worldwide to all speak the same
thing. Four remaining ministers with their wives will attend during 1981.
We received a film copy of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong's sermon to the memĀ­
bers at the Tucson Festival site on the Last Great Day 1980. Three
churches have thus far seen the film and what an impact it has made on
the members! Seeing and hearing Mr. Armstrong speak so powerfully and
purposefully certainly inspired everyone. We are very thankful that we
can, from time to time, have Mr. Armstrong on film.
Budget: God has blessed His Work in South Africa. Income year-to-date
in our operating account is 24.4% more than at the end of November 1979.
PT Circulation: We are now printing 120,000 PLAIN TRUTH magazines. That
figure breaks down as follows:
South African mailing list......................
South African newsstands........................
Zimbabwean mailing list.........................
Zimbabwean newsstands...........................
Even though paper costs, labour costs and postage have gone up--even by
as much as 33%--we can maintain the present print run and even add new
subscribers. We have an ongoing renewal system, so the file is very active.
Analysis of Financial Contributions: Recently we analysed our income and
found 76% of the income is from members, 19% from co-workers and 5% from
Visit with Minister of Posts and Telecommunications: On 20th November five
of us (including Mr. Gerald Waterhouse) visited with the Hon. H. H. Smit,
a Cabinet Minister. We showed him the Young Ambassadors film. He watched
intently and commented favourably. I presented him with a copy of the
1980 Envoy. He stood looking at a photograph of Mr. Herbert Armstrong
and said:
"A remarkable man!" I presented Mr. Smit with a bottle of
California red wine which Dr. Hoeh had requested I deliver to him. Dr.
Hoeh had met him on a previous trip when Mr. Smit was Minister of Coloured
Appreciation for Ministerial Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Thank you for our opportunity to attend the Ministerial Refreshing
Program. The instruction we received was invaluable. I came home
with three filled notebooks and writer's cramp! But I enjoyed every
minute of it.
My wife and I are inspired with a renewed sense of dedication to
you and God's Work. We are behind you and the staff you have
appointed to assist you all the way. We pray for you continually
and look forward to God's Kingdom.
Dan and Christine Orban