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I have continued writing the full-page announcements for the WALL
STREET JOURNAL while on the trip. Arriving in Manila, I was interviewed
at a press conference at the airport on arrival. President Marcos has
placed at my disposal a siren pilot car to go before my car wherever I
go here, with mo�orcycle police also with sirens going along--sometimes
ahead of us, so�etirnes beside my car. We go through heavy traffic
rapidly. Sabbath I spoke to more than 1,000 of our members here.
Yesterday morning I spoke for some 30 to 40 minutes to the student body
and faculty of the Adamson University in a special convoked assembly held
for me. Tonight I am to be principal speaker at a huge banquet of 750 of
the Philippines' most distinguished citizens and several ambassadors from
other countries. There are other luncheon club speeches, press meetings
and television interviews scheduled. This Saturday night will be the
first night of the BIG CAMPAIGN here. Meetings are planned with President
Marcos, the First Lady his wife, and a dinner with the entire cabinet of
the government. God is using me. BUT TIME IS NOW VERY SHORT.
This Work is launched on the GREATEST AND MOST POWERFUL THRUST
FORWARD IN ITS 47 YEARS. NEVER have I and the whole Work needed your
prayers and con�inued EXTRA financial backing as now. When home I am
recording two TV programs a week and also two radio half hours. Our
TV crew is here, and the meetings here will be telecast over the U.S.
We are launched on the greatest PUSH FORWARD ever. PRAY!
With deep love, in Jesus' name,
Adult Basketball
Many U.S. churches have men's basketball teams playing neighboring
churches. This has resulted in questions about health hazards and the
need for standardized rules of play. We must remember that basketball
is a very strenuous sport. Men who are not in top condition face real
danger when they overextend themselves by playing in two or three games
in one day. Even one game of college-style basketball can be too
demanding for the average adult player. In fact, we have had some near
misses already this season. Also, we in Pasadena vividly remember .jin
untimely death on the softball field this past summer.
None of us would want to see or experience a tragedy such as a heart
attack on the court, especially if it resulted even partially from
carelessness on our part. After discussions with Jim Petty, Harry
Sneider and others, we are recommending the following guidelines for
adult basketball:
1. Encourage all men to get a physical exam before playing. Those
not in shape should be cautioned.
2. College rules may be used except for time:
divided into eight-minute quarters.
(Continued on page 6)
the game should be