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three weeks of the Prograrrune. We felt we were more than royally
treated by all with whom we came into contact. The courtesy, con­
sideration and respect we were shown by all at the College was
almost embarrassing--we certainly didn't expect it nor felt at all
deserving of it.
We are grateful, too, for all the information conveyed to us
through the Refreshing Programme, and we will be trying hard to
ensure that the benefits of the programme will not stop with us,
but will be passed on to the congregations we serve.
Once again, a very inadequate but wholehearted thank you.
Karl and Merike Karlov
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Would you be so kind as to pass on to Mr. Armstrong our very
sincere thanks for being given an opportunity to take part in
the recent Refreshing Program. Although it was certainly re­
freshing, it was also humbling and I know that we returned to
On�ario determined to improve the quality of our pastoring of
God's people here.
The obvious dedication of Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Rader and the
present staff in Pasadena, seen at close hand, was a source of
inspiration to us.
Virtually everyone has mentioned in previous letters the quality
of the classes,to which I fully concur. But in add�tion, it was
invaluable to get to know the other pastors and their wives.
It was just like going back to Ambassador again. The warmth
and the camaraderie were all there. Thank you, once again.
Rob and Micki Elliot
Dear Mr. Tkach:
The Refreshing Program was certainly very enjoyable and inspiring.
The ministry and Church as a result will be able to speak the
same thing. Thank you for your efforts in the program and for
bringing together a team of men who all contributed positively
to the program. We know your job is a very busy and demanding
one, and we certainly appreciate your willingness to spend time
with each of us personally.
Dan and Marilee Fricke
Mr. Tkach:
Thank you very much for your efforts to make the sixth Ministerial
Refreshing Program a success. Everyone there in Pasadena seemed
so helpful in trying to make our stay both profitable and pleasant.
My wife and I appreciated the program very much.
Dave Treybig