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AVoice Cries Out:
What's Wrong
it, after all, contributed to
abetter modern world, or-?
mind-for the first
time in history, weapons of
mass destruction threaten to
erase human life from the
earth' Our world today is
filled with evils humans seem
unable to solve or eradicate!
In such a world. we now ask,
what has religion contributed? Of
the six major facets of today's
civilization, we have examined, in these
pages, the contributions of government,
of education, of science and technology,
of business and industry and of orga­
nized labor .
But what ahout REUGCON?
Surely we should expect to find here,
at long last, the knowledge of and
leadership in the
to peace. the true
values and the purpose of life, leading to
a better world!
Here, at last, we must surely find a
::otab\lizlng and uplifting influence for a
better. happier. more abundant life�
Yet, shockingly, if we focus the
searchlight on the facts, and view them
reaJiaticaJly with open mind, we tind here
the most sad disillusionment of all�
First, look over bevond our own
Western world. What.
h�ve the religions
of Buddhism, Confucianism. Taoism.
Shintoism. Hinduism and Islam done
for t'n.elr part rJi t'ne wor'Hi" l'nere we
tind even t.he greatest prevalence of
illiteracy, poverty, retrogression.
But what about Christianity
tant though we be to recognize it, we
find those proclaiming the name of
.fesus Christ preaching about His Per­
son, yet many teaching diametrically
opposite to His teaching, disapproving
the customs He practiced. following
lnstead the pagan customs His \\tord
The lhristian-pmfessing churches
are divided and in confusion. They have
not "saved. ' ' reformed nor chani;?:ed the
ways of the Christian world into peace.
happiness, joy, abundant well-being.
Yet Jesus said He had come · ·that they
might have life, and that they might
have it more abundantly."
Bishop Hazen G .
Werner once said
"\\.·e have been dried out bv the hot
winds of secularism. \\'e who are to
overC'ome the world have been overcome
bv the world."
· Harvard Dlvlnit,; School's Dean M�l­
ler was quoted s8.yin�: "The Church
simply does not have a cutting edge [i.e.,
it has thrown away the "two-edged
sword," the Bible!. It has taken the
culture nf our time and absorbed it.''
To this. Yale·s. former Chaplain
\\'illiam Sloane C'ottin adds., ··we
churchmen are gifted at changing wine
into water-watering down religion."
·rne We-st-ern wor\Q" s C'nrl.:.o.t\an)ty has
taken the name of Christ-�has pro­
claimed to the world that ,Jesus of
:,.Jazareth was the Christ-has pro­
claimed lts own message about the
Person of C'hrist-whde rejecting His
Gospe l-the Message Gild sent to
mankind by Him. That \1ess.age He
proclaimed was His Gospel.
And what u·as and is that Gospel? I
quote: "The heginning of the gospel of
, Jesus Christ, the Son of Cod
came into Galilee. preaching the gospel uf
the Kingdom of God'" !Mark LI. 141. The
Christian Bible savs many timt'"s that
.Jesus was born to be a King It savs that
He wi!l return in supreme, al�ight.
power and glory to establish that King­
dom, and to compel all humanit)1 to enioy
peace . happiness and abundance�
Ifs all a matter of hnu·
world for R,01)0 vears has lived bv the
self-cente·red wa�- nf "c.F.T_" That �av of
life has <'Al'SE:D �II this world's troubles
and evils and sutferings)
When the worldwide Go'>- 'f'rnment that
the real ,Jesus proclaimed is ruling
mankind we shall turn to the wav of
iue· · -outflowing LOVE toward Goct'and
toward man. Every government is based
on a foundational law or constitution.
The Government. of God is predicated on
the u ay of outflowing LO\"E.
As humanitv now lives, by the "r.F.T, .
incentive, we· can super-�uccessfull�
dea! with thing'\. hut we cannt)r deal
with nne another'
··(�1vt" and ··ctT" are basic :,piritual
terms. in the most practical possible
sense! All six major facets of modern
man-made civilization have come :';hl)rt
in this BA:->IC I ,nERSTASDI�(/
[n rnch a religious confusion thi s
voice cries out that true .\1essage The
unseen · ·Strong Hand from Sllmeplace ··
soon will intervene in man's rivillzation
nuw about 1c1 destrnv him. And before lt
does, that Christ-prodaimed Kinl,{dom
nf i;oo sha\\ compe\ a nn""' se\\-centered
humanity to tind peace. joy, uniHrsal
ahundance. Whethn rme agrees doesn't
matter. lt's
as certain
.::1s the rising
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