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AVoice Cries Out:
Arab Oil, Israel
and the U.S.
-Peace Out of Conflict??
HE HOT SPOT of world
news recently has
been the Middle East. It
has involved the S2 lJ.S. hos­
tages in Iran. It has involved
Arab oil. And it has involved
the Arah-Israel struggle.
he thill our or this
embroiling caldron of ;>,]iddle East
emot inns and historir hat red� \�
beginning to etnerg{' 3 new ,·ision
uf world peace and happ,· abun­
(n ;=i, worlci who:,;e '.'\o. I prublPm now
is human <..urvi.. -.11- in � wnrlrl n!
('{nnJwtitive pn·parnti1jn� for a \,·,irld
war of nuclp:u \\'rapnns. dwmical war­
fare, pnison ga:-. and nnve gas-- a ,...,ar
tapahlr or ernsih� all lire fr()m this
plane-I. it\; alrra<l
<1 hit ];He for lh all tn
twrome intt
nsPIV concernf'd
I repeat a�11in rm<i afwin, lhere ha . -. tn
hf' a C. \l ·
_...;f: for evnv etfeet. There is .J.
basic c l\l '
�R fi ,r m·ankind · s proh\P1
man is incapable ol'
solving. Thf're is.
('onversrl�. a wav that cnu\<l CA1·:--F
prace. universal pn,sprrity and well­
\'ny re-rt:-n\\y l rt ' lurned frnm pt•rson·
&\ ronfere-nces \\·ltl-i Prirnr Mini,;;,ier
Menarhem Bt->gin in .feru:-;aJem, crnd
Prf'sidenl Anwar in Cairo
Could it he possible thr�e two �-
Ea3l learler':'. hrwp starH•rl s.rnnethin�
,;\ ' ilh Pu,:a:.irlent Car\er at the Carnp
David conference� that tina!ly shnw the
world the wav lo CAIISF. PEACJ.:?
And not o�ly \1iddlr Ea�, prace, hut
world pl•ace
w E�yptian pre-?.i.dent j!<.
We me
detail:-. uf'
his proposed :-!!,70 million
World PraceCenter to be en•ctrd at the
hase of '.\1t. Sinai . symholi{'
of rwace
hetween nations a.nd twtween rrli
Religim1s antagonisms have caused
many war-" through world histor_v. HiF.
new peace cent{'r will consist of a
,...·ailed-in complt>li. including a mnc;que.
a syna.�ng:ue and a church. emblt
ilf ' peac-P hetween the three rnajnr reli­
gions pn,
•dominant in the three nation!,
invnlwd in tlw (':nnp J),1,irl talks.
l rrpi'af. tlwrt> is one ri int nrn..:.P ol
w;1r,: nut onl\'. hut ,111 thi-.; W1lrld':- :-l't'!ll
ing/\ 11/ls(Jl\-
tihl(' tr(,11hle� ,ind e,i!-;. J
ff'rJ;) it. for hrt•\itv, 1he w.n nf "ta · :T' •_
sf'lf -crntpredrw�s.· and hosiilf' ,·nmpf ' ti
ti()n lf-';lding lo striff'. violenCl', war ,md
destrudi1�11. The opposite v.-·av I trrm
··,:1u: ·· 1·nopt'r;1lion, h1•lping. sharing.
nll1g11\ng roncnn iur t\w gn,,d arnl ri�hl:-­
nl other;-;
WtwrP t'motlonal hn,;tility has prf'
,·�1iled li,,wn Jhro11gh the cenlurles. onl_ v
\'isinn. wi!lingrwss fn sal-ritice ("c1q,:'·,
anrl 1wrsnn,1\ ( ' 11\lfal!f' \n lf'tl(lersh.ip
cnulci start the way t1lward peace
While she was prime ministn ol
I.::rael, (;,dda Meir said to me in ht:'f
executl\e olfi('e: "[ \.\ ' ish Arnl1 twa<ls ol
statC' would he wlllin?: tn ,;lt on the (1ther
side of the ta.hie with me in l '
and peace. Thne is :-.o mu('h we could <ln
fnr their pt:nples. Ot,r :-.cienfr.:ts and
te( "hnicic1ns cnuld help them and tfwlr
peuplt:>s to �o much more prosperit\ and
On l\"nn•rnhn :!D, 1977, Presirlf'nf
Sadat h<-Hf the \i.::ion and the courngf' tu
takf' the unheard-t,f. unpreredented
p to DECI.AHF' PF.An instead ol
war tL)WaTd hrap\_ On that date this
lea<ln, brnving pnsnnal and political
ri ,
k seldom if ever taken b\'
a world
lea<ln, went tn .lerusalf'm a11(t"addressed
I hr brrieli h:nt>sset in a jlesturc toward
pt had li1ught (:-;me/ in tiflJr wars
iithln :10 vears_ It was an innedihl.-.
demons! rill ion of per�rnnal nHirage
Egypt was tht' acknowl.-.clg-ed leader of
th,_• Arahworld. Ttw head4l1arter� of the
Arah League was in l'airn.
Pr()mirn·nt Egyptian lf,adns and Pdi
l(1r,; ahnfad wPrf' as:c.:a.::.sln,1.t-ed t'
this initial pf:'are ,.tPsfurf'. Sad,-ir's life
wets thrf'alencd.
tf'f re,·t•ivlng 111ilitar_v aid from the
�n\iPt I ·
11i1 ,n, 1-'rPsidt•nt �ad,11 had can­
ci:-'lrrl l hi:-.: pnigram and nrdPrl'd �oviPt
nlilitar� aidt'� om t\t Egypt. �;' Hft;'
\lr. �a(bt and Egypt wPn• left with
tlw :- - lll1• partner:-.hip amnnf.( n;-1tion:-.: ol
the l 'nitt>d �tales
nwn ram<' lhP ('amp D:n - i<l peace
1c1\h. \lr. Ht>gin _i(1int•d \ . lr. Sadat in
part\('ip,\tin�. h \:,:. n\1t t.•a'.'-,y ti\ Ki\"
t> \ll)
snmt•thing nllP ha:,; gainP<l. Hul \fr
Hq .:ln �aw· brg-r p(1rtions of the Sinai
e11i11. ula had: 10 E�ypt. , \-nw rhe!'.e
nwn arP \ookin� \Pwarrl rr;: . 1>\vin� the­
tn11dl\ ·
qt1Pstion ol'
autnnom\ of thP
\\'h� ·H,rnk and lhe Can\ Slrip
And l'rrsident :,.:;adat plan" hi:,; World
f'pa(·t- ( 'enter emhlPrnatic nl" r -noprration
In \W<W-E' at dw hasf' 11{ i\·11. �1n;\\
It is all a BF:CIN!'-ISG of the wav of
· ·(;J\E.. - of cooperation instrad of hostili­
t: - ·. I (llr 1mt' rnmmf'n<l �n<l g-
i\"e honor
puhlicly to these men making a beginning
ln a harsh world nf "cr.T'" tq the qni? and
only way to peace - that nf "' c;1\'f·:." [ am
n11t naive E"nough lo expect all leaders and
all pt>uples to follow in that wa�'.
\\. . '°' ha\"e in this \.\-
'orld the wa\' (hat
kads to tlw ecs1n:,;y r
f winnln� and the
n�on_\' uf df'li"at. Ton Jn/lll_\ .--.t iH thin!,;
1{w_\ en_ iuy fhe "pc.,tas_v." ,·md ;,re "·
to risk thf' "agnny." I hnp12 the�e pages
are causing some to l '
Herausts. apN' nt tYtc-agT"t>P, lh:1s vnlre­
is S(1undinj! th12 warnlng. lf we mortal
human:> dnn'f. if is n•ry soon now go­
ing to he done to us
That unsPen
··�tron� Hand from Somepla('
t'. , is going
tn intervene in world affair:,,. and fflrn· a
stubborn humanity to enj11.v pea<'e , hap­
pines:- and univer�al abundance His
wav. the way t,f "<;r\E ·
Pastor General
\\'nrldwide Church of C·od
l suggpst you rt'ad my CO\ '
N '>lorv in <lue.,ul·O, on nf'"W'-�\<'tnd� ahnu1 \.farrh
:10. on thP J\.·ti<ldle Ei.l,-1 fnnlrowr�v, its origin and President Sadat's
plannf'd World Peacr- ('t:•nter. (J1w�t/.�! i-; quite g-enerally reKardt-d nnw as
No. I in the qualitv m,lg-a 1 . ine li(•ld a puhl1cation adv<><: '
ating ··the pursuit
e-xs_·t - llence"
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