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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, December 19, 1980
Page 10
The 1981 Japanese Surruner Program Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong recently
approved of our accepting another group of Japanese students to Ambassador
College for a one-month session. These students will study English,
American history and culture, etc. while visiting a number of places in
the Southern California area. We now plan on having about 100 Japanese
students in attendance at Ambassador next summer on this program.
The 1981 Jerusalem "Big Dig'' At our recent meeting in Tucson, Mr. Armstrong
approved of the 1981 Jerusalem Dig--which will include about 30 from
Ambassador. Mr. Dick Paige (who did an excellent job last summer) will
again supervise the Jerusalem Dig next summer.
The Thai Expedition (A.C.E.P.T.)--2nd Group Mr. Armstrong also approved
of the College sending a second group of A.C. students to Thailand to
assist in our Thai Project--A.C.E.P.T. (Ambassador College Educational
Project in Thailand). The second group will leave Pasadena for Thailand
on Sunday, January 4th, 1981, and will remain in Thailand for a six-month
period. Near the end of that period, we will again assess the accomplish­
ments of the second group, and go to Mr. Armstrong with the facts so he
can decide whether or not we should send a third and final group to
We have received some very good reports from the United Nations officials
in Thailand, and also from representatives of World Vision and from others
who have seen the Ambassador students in action in Thailand. Many reli­
gious groups have gone to Thailand with the idea of converting the refugees
to their particular brand of Christianity. When the Thai officials saw
that our Ambassador students are different--that we don't proselytize-­
they have been very favorable toward us, and have even wanted our students
to take over a number of projects which were previously run by other
Christian groups.
The 1981 Envoy The new ENVOY is already under production. Mr. Armstrong
gave us the go-ahead to produce the new Envoy about two weeks ago. We
have already made a nice profit from the 1980 Envoy, and see no reason why
we can't do equally well with the 1981 Envoy--though our primary goal is
not to make a profit. We hope the 1981 Envoy will be even better than this
year's yearbook. We have a number of new ideas to incorporate into the
corning Envoy which should make it another very high quality production--a
yearbook which will help tie members more closely to God's College. We
hope to make the section, "Focus on a Worldwide Work," a permanent feature
in the Envoy.
If everything works out, we hope to send copies of the Portfolio to all
ministers in the near future. I am sure you will enjoy it and profit from
A recent happening relative to two Ambassador men students helped further
underline the fact that we are truly living in "perilous times." A few
nights ago, two A.C. men were walking back to the College from "The
Saltshaker," a local restaurant. As they walked by the small park between
Raymond and Fair Oaks streets, two men pulled out guns and told the stu­
dents to jump behind a building.
Had the students obeyed, they would
have been robbed and might have even been shot.
The two students took off as fast as they could run to get out of the
dangerous situation. We can thank God that they were not shot at, and