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Notice: "And the apostles and elders (not the whole church)
came together for to consider of the matter."
Now WHY did God vest this binding or loosing in the chief apostle
(or today the only apostle)? Even though only the other apostles then
in Jerusalem and the elders (ministers) were present, yet, "there had
been much disputing." These others were not in harmony as one voice.
GOD'S DECISIONS must come with a decisive and certain voice. There­
fore, "Peter rose up," and rendered the decisive and BINDING decision.
Because James was the Pastor of the Chruch at Jerusalem, as a matter
of protocol, James gave the official "sentence" -- which PETER had
decided and bound.
Brethren, Satan is far more clever and subtile than any of us,
and he has DECEIVED ALL NATIONS. God speaks with a decisive and
certain voice through the one HE has chosen, and used these many years
as His instrument.
I do not ask your permission
I TELL YOU, as Christ leads me.
In Christ's name,
(Editor's note: Since all ordained ministers of the Worldwide Church
of God, whether in or out of our employ, have received a copy of the
Systematic Theology Project, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong requested that
they all receive this Pastor's Report.)
Surely God's Ministers do not spread rumors -- above all, false ones.
It has just come to my attention that a rumor has been circulating
implying that I do not have complete confidence in Mr. C. Wayne Cole.
I hasten to my typewriter to CORRECT THIS.
Let me state definitely:
1) I do have complete confidence in Mr. Cole, in his integrity,
sincerity and loyalty.
2) Now that I have recovered from the illness occasioned by heart
failure last August, I am back in the saddle. Contrary to reports
given by dissidents to the public press, nothing is going on at Head­
quarters behind my back. What is going on is precisely what I am
directing day by day and I am a�all times fully aware of what is
transpiring in all departments.
In every way GOD'S WORK is skyrocketing ahead now, as it has not in
a decade. There is NO DIVISION at Headquarters. There is NO DOUBT
of WHO is IN CHARGE. Jesus Christ is RUNNING THE WORK. He uses me
as His Apostie. We are now functioning as a UNIFIED TEAM -- all