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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, December 12, 1980
Page 16
I haven't written before. It's about time. I have just finished THE
INCREDIBLE HUMAN POTENTIAL for the second time and received a lot
more understanding out of it. That book is tremendous! Just amazing
--thanks for writing it and for all the prodigious volumes of material
you've written since then. Thanks for putting us, the Church, back
on track as Christ directed you. We'd all be in serious trouble
Bob Williams (St. Clairsville, OH)
I have read THE INCREDIBLE HUMAN POTENTIAL--as I feel most of the
Church membership has.
I never thought to write and thank you. But
I want you to know I thank God for such a man as you. Believe me,
your letting God use you and reveal His deep truths to you for our
benefit is greatly appreciated. Again, thank you.
Mrs. Phyllis K. Eastman (Romeoville, IL)
Though I have not written to you personally before, this time I was
forced to do so with the arrival of the beautiful book THE INCREDIBLE
HUMAN POTENTIAL. Thanks to God and thanks to you for the work you
are doing. Thanks for the changes you have wrought in my life (and
my family's) through your books, booklets and Bible lessons.
Dr. Igekekpolo (Benin City, Nigeria)
Thank you so much for that wonderful book, THE INCREDIBLE HUMAN
POTENTIAL. We have both read it through and are now studying it like
we would a good textbook. Thank you again for everything.
Harold & Vera Carter (Lakeland, FL)
I received your book, THE INCREDIBLE HUMAN POTENTIAL. It has opened
the door to truth and light for me. How can I ever offer you some
blessing in the future for that book? I have been looking for an­
swers and the true Church all my yesteryears.
David L. Walkins (Aurora, IL)
Correspondence Course Highly Valued
I can never find words to express thanks for my joy as I study
your Correspondence Course. I find it hard to wait for the next
lesson to learn more about the Bible and our Heavenly Father. God
will surely bless you for caring that others know God's Word. This
is the first time anyone took the time to prove the truth to me. I
write the questions, copy all the scriptures and write your comments
in a notebook. This way I can go back and read them over and over
Mrs. Maranca Mcilmurray (Kendall, NY)
I have just completed Lesson 7 of the wonderful Correspondence
Course. I gather from the truths given in the first seven lessons,
that they run according to the Plan of God, starting at the beginning.
Eternal life is the main objective. I cannot wait until Lesson 8
arrives because I know it will be another surprise. I find myself