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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, December 12, 1980
Page 14
KANSAS CITY, KS--BRYAN H. HOYT: The brethren were very positive
about the Feast. They reported it as being encouraging and uplifting.
CASPER, WY--JAMES JENKINS: Area is very positive and stable with
personal growth, but no new P.M. 's. �now of no one in the area
that is not solidly behind Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong and the Church.
JOPLIN, MO--VINCE SZYMKOWIAK: All of the brethren are very excited
about Mr. Rader's new book. They are saying they have all come to
know and love Mr. Rader much more now. They realize what a loyal
servant of God Mr. Rader is.
SPOKANE, WA--ROGER FOSTER: Church realized tremendous benefits from
serving others attending the Spokane site. The economic trend is
such that new jobs are extremely difficult to find when a job is lost.
There is great consciousness of the deteriorating economy. There
aren't critical unemployment problems, but certainly not a comfort­
able situation.
YANKTON, S.D.--GEORGE AFFELDT: The Yankton Church is turning into a
veiy warm and friendly Church. The attendance has been holding up
and average of the three Churches is about 20-25 more per week than
it was before starting the Yankton services.
problems just prior to the
high, noticed an increased
to worship God rather than
keep the Feast.
Noticed the typical surge of personal
Feast of Tabernacles. Enthusiasm very
desire on people's part to go to the Feast
to take their vacation and incidentally
AMARILLO, TX--JIM O'BRIEN: As time passes the members are increas­
ingly convinced by the fruits that are born both locally and around
the world that this Work is of God. It is one thing to prove that
from Scripture but quite another to prove it from your own life.
The people believe that Mr. Armstrong is the Apostle of Jesus Christ
because the things he has taught have been proven in their own lives.
Weekly Letter Comments
Every week many members express their heartfelt love, respect, apprecia­
tion and support for God's apostle. Readers also continue to be inspired
by Mr. Armstrong's book, THE INCREDIBLE HUMAN POTENTIAL. Several have now
read it for the second time and still keep discovering new truths. And
students are thrilled at each new Correspondence Course lesson they re­
ceive. For some, the course has unlocked the Bible for the first time.
Brethren Express Heartfelt Appreciation for Mr. Armstrong
I wanted to write you [Mr. Armstrong] to share a few of my thoughts
and feelings. First, I want to tell you how wonderful it was to see
you live at the Feast. You looked, talked and acted much younger
and stronger than last year. My heart overflowed with love for you.
I was thinking about men like Noah, Moses, Abraham, Paul and John.
You are a man like them, Mr. Armstrong, and we are privileged to know
you. We thank God for you, your strength, courage and your great
faith in guiding us.
Mrs. Eddie Dungan (Campbell, AL)