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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, December 12, 1980
Page 12
Members Appreciate Fruits of Refreshing P�osram
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Just wanted to send you a note of deep appreciation. Our minister
just returned from his three weeks at the college, so last Sabbath
his sermon was to fill us in on what he did and how it was.
He was so excited and enthusiastic about his experiences. He told
us all the classes were based on the Bible and everyone's attitude
was so good. Like it used to be. And that the college and students
had returned to what it had once been--God's College.
Our minister, Mr. Lambert Greer, was so overcome as he talked about
how wonderful and exciting it all was to be back on the right track
working with and under converted men....I am so glad the Church has
the three-week program for ministers and only wish more could go
through it so some wouldn't have to wait so long for their turn.
Barbara Boedeker
Dear Mr. Tkach:
A word of thanks for the most wonderful Feast that my wife and I have
ever attended on the beautiful grounds of Ambassador College and the
Worldwide Church of God. Words can't express the beauty, harmony,
and oneness of mind t:1ac we
c::od rlid 011ide the FPast as
never before. It was a thrill to hear you speak enthusiastically
about God's way of life as we hadn't seen or heard you since about
1965 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
I appreciate very much the Refreshing Program that Mr. Arm�trong
instituted as it has had a very positive impact on our minister Mr.
Dennis Doucet in his preaching, guidance, and instruction. Mr.
Doucet is doing an outstanding job here in the Beaumont Church and
the Lake Charles Church.
May God give Mr. Armstrong long life as I support him 1000% and you
and the others who are helping him to fulfill the Commission.
Eugene G. Koch
Feast-goers Leave Positive Impression on Community
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Just though I'd mention that excellent reports are continuing to come
to my attention from the local community regarding the conduct of our
people attending the Feast.
On the way to services this past Sabbath, one of our members travel­
ling to Rapid City for services stopped at a town along the way for
lunch. At the Holiday in Spearfish, S.D. (60 miles from Rapid City),
during lunch, they happened to engage in conversation with the owners
of several motels in Rapid City.
(The owners of the motels were
unaware that they were talking to Church members until after the con­
versation, at which time our people informed them of the same.)