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under them -- and God's college -- into forming and worshipping the
ntellectual golden calf.
When Moses had been called to be with God
p on Mt. Sinai, Moses left his brother Aaron in charge of the people.
Aaron led the people into IDOLATRY (Ex. 32:1-6}.
History repeats. When our Lord Jesus Christ called me to carry
HIS GOSPEL into Asia, South-east Asia, Africa, South America and
parts of Europe, the one left in charge allowed the golden calf of
intellectualism and of this world's "higher education" to filter
into and leaven the entire college of the LIVING GOD!
Brethren, I have returned to SMASH THAT GOLDEN CALF -- and root
that satanic leaven OUT of Ambassador College! If any of you wish to
LEAVE the Eternal Christ and HIS TRUTH and WAYS, and embrace this
carnal and secular golden calf, feel free to GO -- but GO OUT of
God's Church and HIS College!!
I find reports of men and women students even living together,
unmarried, off campus, while enrolled in Ambassador College. I hear
reports that at least three unmarried girl students have left college
due to pregnancy. Let me tell you, I AM FIGHTING MAD!! Jesus Christ
I am completely reorganizing Ambassador College.
They are welcome to dislike, and to LEAVE!
Some won't like
In the college catalog for years appeared the following, under
caption: "The Missing Dimension in Education."
It is generally recognized by educators that dangerous
evils have leavened the educational system. Curricula,
generally, have become wholly materialistic. Demands in
scientific, technological, industrial, commercial and
professional fields have put the emphasis on the purely
technical and intellectual, at sacrifice of spiritual,
moral, and cultural development; on curriculum rather
than on character; on earning a living, at the neglect
of learning how to live!
Universities have grown so large, students lose their
identity, moving along a huge, academic conveyor belt.
Personality development is sacrificed. Personal contact
between student and instructor becomes non-existent.
The most essential knowledge is the purpose and meaning
of life -- the true values as distinguished from the. false
-- and THE WAY to peace, happiness, and abundant well­
being. But this basic and most important Dimension in
education is entirely missing from traditional curricula.
That missing dimension is being PUT BACK in Ambassador College.
I will fight to the death for it! I'm sorry if some will take
offense. But the time has come to STAND UP AND BE COUNTED.
If CHRIST is living HEAD of God's Church and College, then
FOLLOW CHRIST WITH ME. If not, then GO Satan's way, but leave all
pretense of being a member of God's Church or college!