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Page 10
I regret exceedingly the necessity to report to you the disfellow­
shipment from the Church of another minister whom I have loved very much.
Unless it is later made necessary I do not want to mark him before the
entire membership.
But division and spiritual harm has come to the Church in Washington
D.C. under the pastorship of Sherwin McMichael. Much of it centered
around a misconception of what demon possession is, and how the ministry
should deal with it. A certain ''psychiatry"-related method was introduced
which was harming and dividing the Church there. I may in a near issue
go into some detail of the new supposed "Biblical'' procedure introduced-­
and explain demon possession and the ministerial dealing with it in more
detail. But attitude and harm to Church were the main causes. I did and
still do love Sherwin very deeply, and I hope you'll join me in prayer
that he'll find his way back to the lighted lantern leading out of the
darkness before it's too late that he might yet be received back.
--Herbert W. Armstrong
Local Church Video Equipment
It has come to our attention that some of the men attending the Ministe­
rial Refreshing Program inadvertently may have been given the impression
that they should try to raise money locally and purchase video equipment
for their churches. Please do not attempt to do this.
The cost of purchasing this equipment would be quite expensive for most
of the local churches. Additionally, we .feel if video programs are sent
to the field we will purchase 10 or 15 sets of equipment and send the
equipment around to all the churches along with the video tapes.
Using the Central Clearing Account to Pay Hall Rent
If it can be avoided, please do not use the Central Clearing Account to
pay normal church hall rent. However, if a situation arises in which the
C.C.A. must be used to pay hall rent, please attach the following informa­
tion to the yellow C.C.A. Expense Record slip:
1. The name and address of the vendor.
(This is of particular
necessity if the check is made out to a deacon or other third
2. The federal identification number of the vendor.
3. A receipt for the payment.
This information is needed by the Accounting Department so that they can
properly report this information to the federal government for income tax
(Continued on page 12)