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been willing to compromise on a minor point. He became a little "liberal"
on some point. Or he let vanity, covetousness, desire for personal POWER,
or self-righteousness, or disagreement on a doctrine, introduce a wrong
ATTITUDE against the Church or God's WAY. I have explained all this above.
One step in the wrong direction leads to another. He becomes "lost in the
dark woods," so to speak. He is for the moment not being "LED BY GOD'S
SPIRIT." Soon he will be misled on another point, then another. Or, he
comes to a new "truth" and allows it to ignite a wrong attitude. He will
go farther and farther away from God's REAL truth, and farther and farther
into error. But HE IS STILL IN HIS "RIGHT" BUT CARNAL MIND--not neces­
sarily demon possessed.
Humans were created and born with the "spirit in man" so as to NEED
the addition of a second Spirit, the Holy Spirit of God. Now when one
receives the Spirit of God, it DOES NOT POSSESS HIM! It does not TAKE
OVER CONTROL of his mind. It OPENS his mind to NEW and to SPIRITUAL
KNOWLEDGE. It is the spirit of a SOUND MIND (II Tim. 1:7).
HOW, then, does one open the mind to let in a demon?
I knew a woman, so far as I knew until demon possession, an admirable
woman. She became happily married. In pregnancy there was a miscarriage.
She made a terrible mistake. She blamed it on God. She became bitter and
emotionally enraged and angry against God. This opened her mind to let
a demon enter and possess her. I was called to cast out the demon. She
was restored to her natural mind. She became pregnant again. Again there
was a miscarriage. Again she accused God, in emotional almost uncon­
trollable anger and rage. Again she was demon-possessed--only this time
by several demons. (Read Matthew 12:45). I was called again. A demon
was using her voice and speaking. In the middle of an unfinished sen­
tence, the voice commenced speaking about something else altogether. That
voice was interrupted and another began speaking with her voice about an
altogether different something, and yet none of it made sense. It was
many demons, each interrupting the other.
Some Pentecostal people get to desperately seeking "the spirit." I
have noticed they often say "the spirit"--not the HOLY Spirit," or the
"Spirit of GOD." They cry out desperately to receive "the spirit." They
say certain words, or short phrases, over and over hundreds and hundreds
of times, like "Glory, glory, glory, glory, glory," etc. Or, "Hallelujah,"
hundreds of times--or "Praise you, Jesus" over and over hundreds of times
--until the words become meaningless and mere sounds. Their minds are
virtually BLANK by the time the words by repetition become utterly mean­
ingless. Sometimes a demon has entered in when they lost control of their
Or, if one allows himself to go into an emotional rage so intense he
has lost his mind, a demon could then enter and take control.
But a normal person, keeping a sound mind control, has not opened
the door to allow a demon to enter and possess the mind.
I would never want to put myself into the hands of a psychiatrist or
a hypnotist. If one would ask me to totally relax my mind and let my mind
go blank, I would immediately rise up and walk away. If I should obey I
might open the door of my mind to a demon.