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The churches of traditional "Christianity" teach that "the Law was
DONE AWAY." Adam and Eve TOOK TO THEMSELVES the reasoning of the KNOWL­
EDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL--that is they decided for themselves what is sin.
The world's "Christian" churches do the same. They cannot REPENT of sin
when they do not know what sin IS! Or, have a false definition of what
is sin!
The Holy Spirit of God is given to those who have REPENTED of-­
TURNED FROM--sin. A begotten son of God is one who IS LED BY the Holy
Spirit--the lighted lantern (or lamp) in the dark woods. If we do not
FOLLOW where God's Spirit leads, the "lamp"--or its light (the Holy
Spirit) leaves us.
God's LAW is a WAY OF LIFE. It is the WAY of outflowing LOVE--to
God, and to fellowman. It is OBEDIENCE to God and His law--even when
that Law is the BASIS of God's GOVERNMENT in His Church! It is reverence
and worship of God, keeping God's Sabbath; and it is love to neighbor.
The transgression of the Law--SIN--is irreverence to God's Law IN HIS
GOVERNMENT in the Church, vanity, self-centeredness, coveting, resent­
ment of authority (especially of God's GOVERNMENT in God's Church),
spirit of rivalry and competition and self-desire.
when, once you have known the truth, repented, received God's Spirit,
started on GOD'S WAY, you take a step away from that way, begin to
liberalize, compromise with Satan.
Now what about DEMON POSSESSION?
Let's UNDERSTAND the difference between being DECEIVED and USED BY
Satan, on the one hand, and being demon POSSESSED on the other hand.
It all has to do with the human MIND. Few, even psychologists,
understand the makeup of the human mind. Like animals, man has BRAIN.
The brain is composed of physical substance. The brain, whether animal
or human, sees through the eye, it hears through the ear, smells through
the nose. Thus it receives knowledge through the five senses of eye,
ear, nose, palate for taste, and sense of feel through nerves.
The brain alone, however, cannot think, except in the most elementary
way. It cannot store up multiple millions of bits of memory and give
itself instant recall to put these selected bits of stored-up knowledge
together in the THINKING and REASONING process. Animals, with brain
alone cannot think, reason, make choices and decisions like a human. The
human mind-output is millions of times greater than that of animals.
WHY? There is a portion of spirit in humans which imparts the power
of intellect to the human brain. This "human" spirit acts as a computer.
Whatever knowledge enters the brain through senses of sight, hearing,
smell, taste or feel is automatically "programmed" and stored in the
portion of spirit within the person.
This spirit empowers the physical brain with intellect. It enables
the brain to have instant recall of any one or several pieces of stored-uf
knowledge from the spirit, and thus enables the brain to utilize these
bits of related knowledge in the process of THINKING and REASONING.