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the world. It soon will be.
Meanwhile, in this short "END time" that
Government has been restored WITHIN GOD'S CHURCH! It is THAT GOVERNMENT
Satan is wrathful against.
These ministers thought they had discovered a new truth, contrary
to the teaching of God's Church. They knew well they should have come
with it first to headquarters or to me personally, to make it official
doctrine. Thus it might--if true--be shared with the whole Church world­
wide. But they allowed a spirit of vanity, self-centeredness and competi­
tion to enter. They kept it from headquarters, but began preaching their
"new truth" to their own churches.
But their "new truth" was gross and harmful error. They misled
brethren--for the time being. They opened their minds for Satan to
DECEIVE and to USE them!
If you allow a bit of self-centeredness, vanity, covetousness, envy
or jealousy, spirit of competition or resentment of authority--especially
that of the Government of GOD in His Church--to enter your mind--if you
begin to act on such impulse, you have already started in Satan's way.
For those attitudes and desires are ways of TRANSGRESSING God's Law--OF
And where does it lead?
You take one such false step, accept one false "truth" and refuse to
REPENT of it at once and turn from it, you will then go on into more and
more erro:i:::.
For 54 years now, I have seen this happen--all too often to those I
have loved. If people mourn and weep over a loved one who dies, HOW MUCH
MORE have I had to mourn and suffer over the SPIRITUAL loss of a brother
or sister in God's Church!
Let me illustrate. One is walking along in a thickly-wooded forest
on a moonless pitch-dark night. But just ahead of him is an experienced
guide with a lighted lantern. If he follows that lighted lantern he will
be led safely out of the woods. But if he turns aside just a step or two
and hesitates, the light continues on out of his sight. Then he is really
lost. If one turns aside from God's truth on just one point, or one
doctrine, and does not quickly repent, the light of God's truth moves on.
In his self-centered effort to find the light of truth, he now walks
blindly in wrong directions. He takes more and more steps in the wrong
direction. That is, he proceeds on into more and more error, all the
while losing more and more of what truth he had.
God's Word, the Holy Bible, is "a lamp unto our feet" to guide us
out of the darkness of error and into the daylight brightness of TRUTH.
The oil that produces the light in the lamp or lantern, causing it to
light up to our understanding, is the Holy Spirit.
(c.f. Ps. 119:105,
Matt. 2 5:1-13 ) .
So comprehend the illustration. We all were lost in the dark woods
of sin. On first realization of it, with repentance and belief, we
received a first portion of God's Holy Spirit. The Bible begins to
light up. It is as many as are led by the Spirit of God that are the