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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 21, 1980
Page 14
Please, Mr. Armstrong, convey my special praise to Mr. Rader on
He has put together all the
pieces of information and events in such an excellent form.
I feel
that even my thirteen-year-old son will be able to read it with
Mrs. Carolee Spencer,
(Milpitas, CA)
I am almost finished with Mr. Rader's book and I cannot put it down.
The truth made me cry and also angry, because of what Satan is
trying to do.
The full impact of the past two years is in my
hands, and it hit all at once.
Mrs. Timothy Cartwright,
(Cedar Brook, NJ)
May I also express my gratitude to Mr. Rader, and to you, Mr.
Armstrong, for the wonderful new book, AGAINST THE GATES OF HELL.
It is good to know the story in detail--the situation between the
Church and the State of California.
I am so very thankful to be
a part of this loyal little flock!
Mrs. G.E. Martin,
(Plain Dealing, LA)
It has continually come to our attention in recent months that
a number of Church Pastors, Newsstand Coordinators, and lay
members have initiated their own promotional programs in the
local area for The PLAIN TRUTH which have not been approved by
Mr. Herbert Armstrong.
We do appreciate the help, and do not want to stifle the
creativity and input of those in your area.
However, implemen­
tation of these programs without Mr. Armstrong's approval can
result in a misrepresentation of the image and high standards
he would desire and an unplanned impact on budget expenditures.
Therefore, in a continuing effort to strive for unified teamwork
in our varied roles of assisting Mr. Armstrong in completing
the Great Commission, be sure that ALL ideas for promotion of
The PLAIN TRUTH or other Church literature a� submitted to
Pasadena to receive approval from Mr. Armstrong BEFORE using
them in your local area.
Submit ideas to Boyd Leeson, c/o Publishing Department.
--Ministerial Services