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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 21, 1980
Page 12
I have been back in Church for about six months now.
I have a lot
of problems to overcome, but life sure is better than what it used
to be!
Member, (Pensacola, FL)
Mr. Armstrong, I stopped going to Church some time ago. I am
coming back--I need fellowship ·with the brethren and ministers of
God. I need God in my life--He's never really been out, but I
need to go to Church. Will you please begin sending me your
letters again and other correspondence from the Church. I am
so out of touch--I feel lost.
I hope it's not too late. I
stopped tithing also--and my life and finances have turned up­
side down. I am starting to tithe again--I can't afford not to.
God's Word needs to go out and I want to help.
Member, (Pearland, TX)
Mr. Armstrong, I left the Church in the spring of 1978.
I look
back now and I can see that Satan was behind it. It no doubt
pleased him when I left. For two years I was gone and never was
I content or happy. Many times I wanted to pray, but I knew unless
I was willing to do God's will, that He would turn a deaf ear to me.
By January of 1980, I realized I wanted to come back. Yet it took
me till April before I actually did. Again Satan was shooting
poison darts at me. I was convinced that I wouldn't be welcomed
back. I was ashamed to face everyone.
But God was with me and one morning I woke up and realized that
God's people would rejoice, and they did, at my return.
Now it's as if I never left. Once again I'm fulfilled, content
and happy.
Member, (Batavia, OH)
Members Healed
One of my friends, a member of God's Church for years, became ill
with kidney failure. He was taken to the hospital. When they
operated, they found he was full of cancer--kidneys, liver, lungs
and spine. They gave him one to three weeks to live.
They did not
put him on the kidney machine because even that would have hastened
his death, he was so full of cancer.
He was anointed and prayers
were made for him. He is now well, and is back at work!
Mrs. Margaret L. T�ylor, (Chandler, AZ)
The great God intervened in my life and spared me a painful operation
and possibly the life of our unborn child.
In March 1980, I was hospitalized for 24 hours, during which time
they found a mass on the artery leading into my heart. The doctors
felt it would require surgery. In the meantime, my pregnancy test
came back positive.