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brethren are there it is most enjoyable. We needed all those
inspiring messages to see us through what looks like a long, hard,
dark season ahead. It was good to see you (Mr. Armstrong) in such
excellent form and strength also. My only complaint is that I
couldn't take notes because the hall was so dark. Was a blessing
to be able to attend the Feast!
Janet Farnsworth (Gardeha, CA)
We had the most marvelous and inspiring Feast of Tabernacles at
Eugene, Oregon. We give God all the praise and credit for the
beautiful weather and wonderful services. We were able to drive to
Belnap Springs where you (Mr. Armstrong) and Mrs. Armstrong went
for your first Feast. It was thrilling to see the beautiful
country. We were inspired to hear you "live" on the Last Great
Day. Our God is wonderful indeed.
Mrs. Edna Comin (Portland, OR)
The Feast in Detroit was certainly fine despite the fact that it
was in a big city. I enjoyed it, but most of all
was the best
Feast ever spiritually. The sermons were the most inspiring ever
and I felt more compelled to change, to repent of wrong ways in
my life. This Feast has gotten my mind more on the main goal in
our lives--the Kingdom of God.
Robert Miller (Cleveland, OH)
We just finished the most wonderful Feast in 45 years. Everyone
seemed so sincere. I think we now have the most loyal group we
have ever had. Your messages on both Holy Days were clear and very
uplifting. You look like you are in the best of health. Your
voice is strong and clear. Everyone here in the Church seems to
be very happy and contented and everything seems to be going fine
in every way. Will close. Remember we love you both.
Chloe Sewell (Pasadena, CA)
It doesn't seem possible that the 1980 Feast of Tabernacles is
already over. Now that we have been reviewed in the knowledge of
the soon-coming Kingdom of God, we can go about our daily lives
with greater hope in the future.
Thank you (Mr. Armstrong) for your efforts at making this, once
again, the greatest Feast ever. The satellite transmission on
the first and last days were excellent.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Migl (Inez, TX)
While it's fresh on my mind, I want to write and tell you (Mr.
Armstrong) what a wonderful Feast we had in Eugene, Oregon. The
facilities and surroundings were very nice. Everything was
convenient--parking, motels, restaurants, etc.
But, best of all, the ministers helped give us a more vivid
mental picture of the World Tomorrow that we were portraying.
All messages were directed at the meaning of the Feast.