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emphasis on areas vital to us in our work as we strive loyally to
support with, and through you, God's Apostle. The program was
(This word is maybe too often used, but it does express
what we feel!) We are behind you and God's servant 100%.
Ron and Rosemary Wallen
"A Miracle From God"
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
This is a somewhat delayed thank you for your inspired messages
during the Feast. The two sermons were certainly a miracle from
God all the way.
Your strength is assuredly being renewed daily
(Isaiah 40: 31).
We heard you say years ago that you hoped God would let you live
to see His Kingdom come. The way He is continuing to use you so
powerfully certainly indicates He intends to finish His Work through
you. May God's will be done--our prayers are with you daily.
Mr. and Mrs. Novel Pyle
One Reason Some Don't Write Mr. Armstrong
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
I really am ashamed of myself for not having written to you earlier,
but I am going to take this opportunity to do so now. I guess one
reason why some of us in the ministry don't write you is that frankly
we don't know where to start in thanking you for all you have done
under Christ's direction. Do we start with thank you for all these
many years you have remained unbending in your Faith toward God in
living His way and setting for us the proper example? Or, do we
thank you and show our appreciation for your setting the Church back
on the track? Or, do we express how inspired we have been now year
after year to see your strength and vigor returning after you were
raised up by our Great God? Or, do we start by sharing with you the
thrill of seeing and hearing the most inspired and powerful sermons
you delivered at this year's Feast of Tabernacles via the miracle of
modern communications?
In conjunction with that last point I must tell you of a cute thing
I saw on the Last Great Day. A small child about 18 months old w�s
seated in his father's arms. I know the family and I know that the
child can only speak a very few words. Well, without any prompting
by his dad, this little boy looked up at that giant screen after he
had awakened from his nap and plainly said, "Armstrong!" He was
smiling ear to ear. You really have an impact on the small children
and I know they all love you dearly. My two boys, Paul David (age
11) and Michael Shane (age 10) both grew up in the Church and I know
they love you very much and never fail to pray for you in their
blessing of a meal or in their nighttime prayers. They al�� ?r2�·
for Mr. Ted Armstrong that God would grant hjm repentance and tha�
he would some day return into God's Church.
I certainly hope we �11
pray that.