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opposite way of the way God wants us to live. I can see now how
deceived this world is and how I just went along with what seemed
right with everyone else. God showed mercy on me and opened up
my mind and ears to His truth. I feel so deeply about the ways
of God and God's love, that I find it very hard to express my
feelings in words on paper. I feel them very deeply in my heart.
Mrs. Nancy Walton (Cadet, MO)
There will never be any way I can repay the Eternal and the Church
for what they have done in bringing a shipwrecked life to the sur­
face and set it on course again. So I'd just like to say "Thank
you" for the literature and even the privilege of association with
God's true Christians. There is no way to express the gratitude I
feel, and I hope the Church continues to grow and be blessed so
that someday this sick world will come to a real healing.
Jerry L. Capps (Mountain Home, AR)
***** NOTICE *****
Masterson, pastor of the Athens-Gaines­
ville, GA churches, reports that David Mitchell,
also known as Boothe David Mitchell, has been
traveling from area to area, requesting emer­
gency fund help from the ministry. This man is
disfellowshipped. Under no circumstances should
such assistance be given to him without first
calling Marc Masterson (404-963-8194).
--Ministerial Services
Over the years we have always been impressed with how the brethren have
responded to any requests regarding the processing of their donations and
literature requests.
Occasionally we receive letters from �embers who offer to use their own
personal stationery to save the Work money. While we certainly appreciate
their thoughtful concern, more money is actually saved by using the pre­
labelled and preaddressed envelopes due to our use of the computer. Each
standardized envelope has all the computer information needed to readily
process donations and requests with less likelihood of error.