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tion," Mr. Rader reminded every"ne of Romans 8:28: "And we know that all
things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are
called according to his purpose."
Winter is coming (even though you would never know it here in Pasadena)
and you need to be preparing for the colder weather. Where necessary,
check your antifreeze, washer fluid, oil and tires for winter running.
You will also need to run the air conditioner about five minutes each
week to keep the seals from drying out.
We process a lot of reimbursement requests each week and the volume is
growing. Whenever possible, use the Gelco system for maintenance and
fuel as it saves processing time. When it is not possible, or when
the financial savings are significant, we will continue to reimburse
directly to you.
In the future, you should only send a memo and the
receipts when requesting repayment. This is separate from the Vehicle
Expense Report which is not used for reimbursement at all. It would also
speed processing if it is sent directly to the Fleet Office rather than
being included with other material to Ministerial Services.
It is also important to report all missing credit cards, lost or stolen,
immediately to us as this will enable us to minimize any possible loss.
We are entering the 1981 model trades now and will be in contact with
some of you who are approaching the 80,000 mile mark. As the income
holds, we will be trading out more and more at lower mileage levels.
you have any special problems, please let us know.
Feast Update
What a Feast!
It certainly was the best ever and probably the busiest
ever. The live transmission, as all of you witnessed, had a tremendous
impact upon the brethren. In order to improve our service to you next
year, all the Festival Coordinators will be receiving a questionnaire
for listing any problems that were encountered either with the audio or
video aspects of the live microwave-satellite transmission.
So if any of you local pastors were familiar with a particular problem
or have any suggestions you feel will improve the operation, please conĀ­
tact your Festival Coordinator so he can include it in the survey.
Festival Films
Could all the Festival Coordinators please return immediately all Feast
films by United Parcel Service--UPS--(4th class mail is too slow) so we
will have them available for redistribution?
These Feast films will now be available to the local ministry and their
congregations for those programs that people either missed or want to see