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I would like a free
I am 11 years old.
And I love your show. God bless you.
Leslie c.--11 yrs. (Edmonton, Canada)
I don't have any suggestions but you all are doing a really good
job, so keep up the good work.
Tony Schmidt--12 yrs. (Big Sandy, TX)
Students Excited About Bible Correspondence Course
I would like to thank you for sending me the Correspondence Course
which I find is very interesting and fascinating to study. To tell
you the truth, I've never really read much of the Bible. But since
I received this course I've really learned something of life and how
much I've missed out by not reading the Scriptures. It's made me
a very happy and different person. I would like to thank you again.
Mrs. P.W. (Wagin, Australia)
How wonderful and exciting God's Word is! Indeed the Bible does
interpret itself. I am so very grateful for the Ambassador College
Correspondence Course! I must admit, I was skeptical. I wondered
how in the world could the Bible be taught by mail. Well, I was
wrong. It is hard for me to put aside my studying when my eyes get
Shirley Smith (North Bergen, NJ)
The Bible Correspondence Course is the beginning of knowledge. I
learn more each day as I study the course. It sure brings the Bible
more to light. And it means so much to me; I am on lesson 12.
Mrs. Clara Young (Mountville, SC)
I have completed lesson one of your Bible Correspondence Course.
Yours is the best approach to Bible study I have come across yet.
It made me want to search the scriptures rather than have to search
Debbie Mason (Chelsea, MS)
Very many thanks for sending me the first four issues of the inspired
Bible Correspondence Course. I am enjoying these studies immensely,
and never imagined that Bible study could be so interesting and re­
warding. I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude for your great
generosity in making me one of your students. And I now look forward
eagerly to the arrival of lesson five and subsequent lessons! God
bless you all.
I.L.G. (Glasgow, Great Britain)
I have finished lesson six of the Correspondence Course on the sub­
ject of hell. This has had a profound impact on my life. It opened
my eyes to answers for questions I wondered about for a long time
but knew not where to look. It is truly an inspiring lesson and I
look forward to lesson seven.
Greg Stewart (Kincheloe, MI)