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Articles on where do youths get their LIFE-STYLE, and where SHOULD
THEY? An article on ''Did SATAN Get to YOU When You Were Young?"
The above gives you a few ideas of the type of articles and material
that will appear in "YOUTH/Bl."
Another, "Is the BIBLE For Youths--or ONLY For Middle-aged and The
Elderly?" I would welcome ideas and suggestions from youths about the
kind of articles and subjects they feel should be covered in THEIR new
I am personally very enthusiastic about this. I myself will be in
my 90th year a year from now--but don't ever get the idea I'm an old man.
I still have very YOUNG IDEAS--though both God and the years have added
enough wisdom to know which are the BETTER values even for kids and youths.
I don't mean better for God or for parents--! mean better for the YOUNG.
Yes, and better for us ALL!
Remember, God does not deny us anything that is good for US--He
wants our lives to be happier, with more JOY that is good for US! Some
people--adults, middle and old-aged as well as the young--are deceived
into thinking some things are good that make us painfully sorry afterward.
I will have this story of "YOUTH/Bl" run in Worldwide News also.
By the way, I would urgently request all youths of Worldwide Church
of God parents to send in AT ONCE, their names and addresses, with age
(13-18 inclusive). And, if some a year or so younger or older want to
subscribe, we will enter the subscription. Be sure to PRINT the name and
address in block letters.
Send the subscription to "YOUTH/Bl," Worldwide Church of God, Box
111, Pasadena, California 91123.
News of God's Work in French-speaking Areas
Record-breaking Times God's Work in the French-speaking areas has experi­
enced much growth since Mr. Herbert Armstrong has begun to put the Church
back on the right track. We have achieved records in many areas such as
the number of renewals received from former PV subscribers (11% response
in France, over 15% response in Guadeloupe and Martinique, and about 8%
response in Switzerland), in the income (June 1980 income in Geneva up
67.5% over June 1979) and the attendance at services in all French
churches including Canada. We are certainly very grateful to God for
all these blessings.