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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, September 15 , 1980
Page 6
Final figures are also available for our recent newspaper ads in the
Pacific Islands. Three hundred and thirty new subscribers were added to
The PLAIN TRUTH and La PURE VERITE mailing lists at a cost-per-response
of $4.50.
In the last week of August we placed a full-page ad in the New Zealand
Woman's Weekly for the new UNITED STATES AND BRITAIN IN PROPHECY book.
Responses are just beginning to come in.
The ad will also appear in the
same magazine in the first week in September.
We're pleased to report Christ has added another minister in New Zealand.
Mr. Dennis Gordon was ordained a Local Elder by Mr. Bob Morton on August
23rd. Mr. Gordon will assist Mr. Gary Harvey in the Wellington, Palmer­
ston North and Hastings churches. The month of August concluded with a
conference in Auckland attended by all the ministers in New Zealand and
the South Pacific Islands. Everyone is now greatly looking forward to
the holy day season beginning in September.
News From Germany The month of August was highlighted by a two-day
ministerial mini-conference near Bonn on August 25th and 26th. Mr. Frank
Schnee, Regional Director, and John Karlson, Bonn Office manager, both
addressed the ministers on developments in Pasadena and on the Ministerial
Refresher Program. Further conference sessions were devoted to PAD plans
and budget for 1981, and to final preparation for the fall feasts this
As all the ministers' families were present, the opportunity for fellow­
ship was much appreciated. Nine-pin bowling and refreshing plunges into
the hotel swimming pool added to the relaxing atmosphere.
The church members meeting for services on August 30th responded to the
ministers' reports on the Bonn mini-conference with a great deal of ex­
pectation and interest. Any news regarding Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong,
his health, and his plans for the future are virtually devoured here, as
the German-speaking church members exhibit a deep appreciation for the
authority and responsibility of Mr. Armstrong's office.
The mail income for the month to date was up 2.5% over August 1979. Our
year-to-date mail income is up 18.6% over last year.
Dutch-speaking Area Reports Mr. Bram de Bree, Regional Director for the
Dutch language area sent in this report this week:
August has been a good month weather-wise and as far as growth is con­
cerned in God's Work. The highlight of this month has been a series of
three public lectures in The Hague. This series started on August 18th
and continues until September 15th.
This year is also the year that The Netherlands commemorated the libera­
tion from the Nazi occupation 35 years ago, May 1945. The first lecture
focuses in on that event. It also deals with our mismanagement over
these 35 years, and the last 6000, and the work God is doing through the
editor of the Dutch PLAIN TRUTH, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. The second
lecture deals with Europe in prophecy and then the third and the last
lecture will deal with the World Tomorrow, and God's government on earth.