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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, September 15, 1980
Page 4
"When I brought them out of the land of Egypt" (Lev. 23:42-43).
They were in a hot climate where they could find branches of certain
trees--palm, myrtle and olive branches. Later in Palestine, a pa ( t of
Israel only (of Judah) under Ezra and Nehemiah used these booths Neh.
8:14-18). But, for example, myrtle branches are found only in Palestine,
and palm and olive branches are found only in some hot climates.
But now the Church, then to be made into the Kingdom of God, ruling
the earth, in the time PICTURED TO US BY THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES, will
cause ALL NATIONS to go to Jerusalem for this Festival. WHY? To make
booths of tree branches and live inside them?--each alone by himself
seven days--in order not to DISplease an angry god? NO! But "to worship
the KING, the Lord of hosts" (Zech. 14:16).
Jesus observed the Feast of Tabernacles when He was in human flesh
on earth. Did He make a booth of tree and shrub branches to dwell in for
seven days?
Jesus was in Galilee (John 7:1). The Feast of Tabernacles was at
hand (verse 2). His brethren urged Him to depart at once for Jerusalem
for the Feast (v. 3). But Jesus remained behind in Galilee for a while
(v. 9). But after their departure, Jesus also went up secretly (v. 10).
About the middle of the Feast, Jesus went into the Temple (v. 14). He
taught the people there. On the last Great Day, Jesus spoke of the Holy
Spirit (v. 37-39).
But there is NOT A WORD that Jesus or any of His disciples (future
Apostles of the Church made "booths'' of tree and shrub branches, or dwelt
in them. Jesus met with them IN THE TEMPLE, where He taught and preached.
They thus had services--or teaching--in an auditorium--JUST AS WE DO TO­
DAY. We call these meeting halls taberancles. Jesus and the first
Apostles SET US THE EXAMPLE--but there is no evidence or record that
they dwelt in booths.
The dwelling in booths was not the PURPOSE or reason for this fall
The Feast of Trumpets is to teach God's people all over again every
year about the coming of Christ as KING of kings to RULE THE EARTH! The
Day of Atonement was given to keep us in knowledge that Satan shall be
taken away so that we may be AT-ONE-MENT with God and with Christ. The
Feast of Tabernacles was commanded forever, and is to teach the CHURCH
today over and over every year about the MILLENNIAL REIGN OF THE KINGDOM
OF GOD OVER THE WHOLE EARTH--with Satan gone--with EVERYONE then living
being at last CALLED to judgment and opportunity for eternal salvation.
That is the PURPOSE of the Feast--not gathering branches for a booth
to shelter us. Today we have houses and buildings to shelter us.
So we find NO dwelling in booths in the New Testament Church, nor in
the millennium AFTER Christ returns!