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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, September 5, 1980
Page 8
I was real gratified
receive, once again, my copy of The PLAIN
TRUTH. Thank you. To us in Uganda, who had been denied the
privilege of receiving and reading informative magazines like The
PLAIN TRUTH by the authorities, the copy you have just sent shows
that the Almighty God loves our country. We pray that the freedom
recently granted persists so that we continue to receive The PLAIN
TRUTH, let alone tranquility, development and social and economic
progress of our country. Again, thank you.
--DWK (Uganda)
This is the first time I've every considered writing in to a
magazine. I just have to tell you that your magazine is fantastic!!
I cannot think of a better way to discuss the Bible than to relate
it to the state of the world today. I have to admit that I didn't
think I was a religious person before I read your magazine. I tried
reading the Bible, but I didn't know where to start. I tried going
to church, but it seemed that people were just there for appearance's
sake--they looked so bored. I just shrugged religion off as some­
thing people did in their spare time so that they could label them­
selves "good" people.
Your magazine really puts religion in a perspective that I can
relate to. I'm majoring in philosophy in university so you can see
how important realizing the meaning of something is to me. I would
also be very interested in reading your book, "Why Were You Born?"
Thank you very much!
--Lori Richert (Winnipeg, Canada)
I thank you for your letter and The PLAIN TURTH. While I much
appreciate and admire your endeavors in bringing about peace and
harmony among the people, I loathe and condemn the persons, with
vested interests, who are insinuating absurd charges against your
integrity in an ugly effort to take over the control of Worldwide
Church of God.
--RPJ (India)
It is a joy to know that by means of your literature I have been
preparing myself for baptism and that in the near future I will be
visited by one of your ministers. You can't imagine what great
--M.L. Dalmao (Xaxirn, Brazil)
Anyone needing information about a Walter
Barton (he has also used the name of Jerrell
Barton), please contact Mr. Gary Moore, the
pastor of the Cornwall and Plattsburgh
churches. Gary's telephone number is (613)
--Ministerial Services