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The G-II refueled in Billings, so we got to take a quick tour inside.
Everything was just going great until I heard the jets rev up and all the
men were rushing in and then the steps were coming up and I was trapped!
We really had to talk fast before Capt. Black would lower the steps and
let me out.
And then they roared off.
We hope to see them again sometime.
Much thanks.
Gene Watkins, Billings, MT
Mr. Tkach, I would like to sincerely thank you for allowing me the
opportunity to travel on the G-II to the Appleton and Wausau Churches.
The trip was a valuable and memorable experience for me.
I would also like to express my gratitude to Mr. Armstrong for having
his plane go to the various church areas with ministers from Pasadena.
Many of the brethren I talked to in both Appleton and Wausau wished to
express their gratitude to Mr. Armstrong for his thinking of them with
these flights.
Their enthusiasm made it necessary for me to convey
their gratitude to you to relay to Mr. Armstrong.
Also, from the questions that were asked in Appleton and Wausau, it is
apparent that Mr. Armstrong has been successful in getting the Church back
on the track.
This was also born out by comments made by ministers on the
return trip.
Church members are asking questions because they are inter­
ested, not because they are antagonistic.
Those few who had gotten them­
selves in the wrong frame of mind--with the wronq attitude--seem to have
been weeded out.
I feel that the Church is closer to being completely
on the right track, and I pray that the bride will soon be ready.
Again, thank you, and please thank r1r. Armstrong.
Don Contardi, Pasadena
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
There has been a marked increase
in attendance at our weekly Bible Studies in Huntsville and Florence, as
the majority of both congregations are making a genuine effort to attend.
This shows me a continuing trend of rededication and spiritual growth
among God's people.
The brethren are supportive of Mr. Armstrong and
have their hands in the Work more than ever before.
The Church is growing steadily in num­
bers and solidarity.
We are all grateful for the positive forward thrust
under Mr. Armstrong's leadership.
More and more are turned toward Mr. Armstrong,
Mr. Rader and the Church of God.
New people continually showing up at
Many members strongly desiring to leave the world we live in.
Since the beginning of the year we have had
19 baptisms in our area.
This represents a 17% increase in membership.
A number of them had been holding back for a long time, but because of
the urgency of the times were now baptized.