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Mr. Rader was in Nashville from the 21st to the 23rd of August. He was
accompanied by Mr. John Kineston and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kotora. While in
the area, he was interviewed on a number of TV and radio stations. Among
them was an interview conducted by Ron Johnson of the "Nashville Skyline
Show" on WZEZ-FM. This is a leading FM station in the area and the one­
hour interview was aired twice, once Saturday and then again on Sunday.
Mr. Rader was also interviewed for one-half hour by Chris Clark, a leading
talk show host for WTVS, Channel 5.
Another interview was conducted by WSM-TV, Channel 4, on the evening of
the ministerial banquet. Segments of this interview were aired that same
evening on the 11 o'clock news, including shots of the banquet.
While in Nashville, Mr. Rader was interviewed by the Nashville Tennessean
newspaper and also by The Banner--the two leading newspapers of that city.
The newspaper interviews produced good copy and the TV and radio inter­
views proved to be very profitable.
The banquet with the ministers and wives included leading men from Nash­
ville and the surrounding areas. On the Sabbath of the 23rd, the docu­
mentary "Church vs State" was shown. Mr. Kotara gave the opening comments
and the sermonette. Mr. Rader then addressed the combined congregation of
brethren from the churches of Nashville, Murfreesboro, Cookville, Knox­
ville, Jackson and Vickson, Tenrtessee, as well as Evansville, Indiana,
Paducah and Madisonville, Kentucky, Huntsville and Florence, Alabama.
Once again a major area of the country learned more about the Work and
Church of God, and brethren were updated and inspired to continue standing
solidly behind God's Apostle as God's Work accelerates toward the com­
pletion of the Great Commission.
Tuesday, August 26th, in the first all-employee forum since early June,
Mr. Rader updated employees and students on developments in God's Work
and the challenges before it. An interesting variety of questions rounded
out another very informative and helpful meeting. Here are just a few
Petris Bill a Great Moral Victory
Just minutes before appearing on stage at the Auditorium, Mr. Rader
learned of the State Senate's 25-1 approval of the slightly amended
Petris bill. He related the good news and then reminded the audience
that the battle isn't over yet since the bill is now on the governor's
desk for his signature, or veto.
"Now, there isn't too much we can do in this battle, except to PRAY," Mr.
Rader told the audience.
"I would say that if we all would get on our
knees between now and maybe the end of September, which would be the out­
side date that the governor has to veto the bill or to sign it (or do
nothing, in which case the law would pass), I think that we will find