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This is how it works: "It's like a pie.
[There are] only so many pieces
in a pie. And some power has been reserved to the people. The rest of
the power has been reserved to the government. Every time one more
piece of the pie goes to the government, it is one less piece for the
people. It is not like money that can be printed more of by the govern­
ment. There's a limited amount [of power]--just so much to go around.
And when they take away [power] from the people and transfer [it] to
the government, the people are left poorer indeed."
Mr. Rader was very personable and gave many interesting and much appre­
ciated insights into his own calling and conversion, plus his relation­
ship over the years with Mr. Armstrong. He referred to Mr. Armstrong as
having a "one track mind" regarding his determination to get the Church
of God cleaned up. He also referred to Mr. Armstrong as being like a
glacier. "It just keeps moving. It is an irresistable force." By this
analogy he illustrated Mr. Armstrong's resolve to finish the Work God has
given him to do, and how futile it is for the attorney general, or anyone
else, to attempt to stand in the way.
During his message to the brethren, Mr. Rader recounted how Mr. Armstrong
came to regret delegating too much power and authority to some under him.
Power and authority was too heady for them. They would simply not do
what they were told. Conversely, Mr. Rader pointed out "All you have to
do is to do things the way Mr. Armstrong wants them done, and to do what
he asks be done because he believes that is what Jesus Christ wants him
to do."
Mr. Armstrong's chief assistant closed on the note that the burning issues
today are justice and freedom. As these flicker in an uncertain manner,
God's Work is sounding the alarm. The brethren were very grateful to
become better acquainted with Mr. Rader and those with him--all very
approachable people who are helping to hold up Mr. Armstrong's arms in
defending God's Church and finishing the Work.
International News
--Compiled partly from notes
taken by Jim Lee, associate
pastor for Big Sandy
Canadian Update: The summer months usually produce a slowdown in mail
activity in Canada. In fact, it seems once the days get longer and the
temperature rises barely above freezing in many areas, the population takes
to the great outdoors! With the significant gains of the past six months,
however, the cumulative figures for God's Work in Canada remain exciting.
Combined English and French monthly mail statistics show an increase of
168.1% over last year's figures.
Regular mail is up 55.6% and ad response
The Canadian newsstand program's effectiveness is currently being assessed
by the office there and some economies in the Fall are being planned. Be­
ginning with the October issue, the newsstand magazine will be produced