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works of God's Church are fast becoming conunon knowledge throughout this
area and in large conununities around the nation. God is truly opening
more doors that "no man can shut."
--Marc Segall, pastor for
Chico, California
Last week Mr. Rader was in Big Sandy and Tyler, Texas as well as Shreve­
port, Louisiana for a number of media interviews, after which he spoke to
combined Sabbath services in Big Sandy. He was accompanied by Mrs. Rader,
Mr. John Kineston and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kotora.
Thursday, August 14th, began with a morning press conference at the col­
lege campus. Four television stations, three radio stations and three
area newspapers were represented. Some of the media came from as far
away as Shreveport.
In the press conference Mr. Rader explained the background of the legal
battle in California. He gave the media insights into the real issues
which are at stake--that the religious freedoms of everyone in the United
States are being threatened if adverse decisions were to flow from the
courts as a result of this case.
Mr. Rader also told the press of the Church's plans to file a massive
civil rights suit in federal court against the California attorney general
in about 30 days. He told the reporters that this legal action would be
a landmark first amendment case concerning separation of church and state.
Major and minor denominations will be standing along side us in this suit.
In response to a reporter's question about the college facility at Big
Sandy, Mr. Rader said that the Church is considering the feasibility of
reopening the property as a base for a number of functions such as recrea­
tional and youth programs, and a retirement center for the elderly. A 90-
day study is currently in progress to consider various possibilities.
Later the same day, Mr. Rader was interviewed by radio station KOA of
Denver, Colorado through a telephone hookup. Then immediately following
that he went to television station KLTV in Tyler where he was inter­
viewed live at 5 p.rn. by Joan Hallmark. She asked some very direct
questions such as "Don't members have the right to know where the money
(Mr. Rader fielded the questions openly and directly, enabling
viewers to get a "feel" for the Church which has been in the news so much.)
He answered, "Well, they do know where the money goes. We do account to
the members and Mr. Armstrong, of course, feels he's accountable to God."
Then focusing on the lawsuit he said, "The [legal] issue is whether we are
a public trust and therefore accountable to the attorney r,eneral of the
State of California."
Mr. Rader also answered some questions about the "60 Minutes" program,
pointing out how his 3 1/2 hour interview came to an abrupt stop when
Mike Wallace played a doctored tape recording of Mr. Armstrong in private