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of California:
Are you enforcing, or breaking, the law by
persecuting the Church of the living GOD?
are you
ft justifying the surprise
massive armed attack against
the Church of the living Goo?
You contend all churches are
charitable trusts and that they
ought to be owned, controlled and
managed by your office' And
To protect, you contend, the han­
dling of public funds.
launched by your office has mushroomed
to national concern. The Worldwide
Church of God defends the constitutional
rights of ell churches�with their welcome
legal aid-in this struggle for religious
You, Mr Attorney Gi!ne,r,il, do not make the
laws. They ere made 1n our country by the
Congrt'MI and various sta�
legislature-s. You
we,rp e-lttttd to otfi('e, and sworn to uphold the
C'on,titution of the United Stat.ff and to enforce
the law in the st.ate of California
The First Amendmt>nt tu tht> Constitution pro
tectsthecHt1RCH from the-!ITAT'I. sayingno lawshall
he made concerning religion or the free eurcise
thereof The Worldwide Church of God has
violated no law You have bttn unahle to charge 1t
withan� lawbreaking. Are you, then. arrogatmg to
yourself the lawmaking prel'O(ative"
It's time we clarify the whole que-,tion. It's
time the, PEOPU.: you ere sworn to protect t;NDElt­
STAND what you art' doing'
Just what is a charitable trust
And what,
contrar1w1se. is a CHl•RrH"
The CHURCH, uys the Holy Bibll!',
is the
··Body or Christ." It is that Body or
"called-out onet" who are the berotten children
of the Holy
They are called by
out uf
the §t-Cular world-a spi.ritual orranism, not a
s.e<'ulu O"Kllniz.a.tion
.lf'!!US lhmt is the, deaignated Head of the
f'hurch. He uid, "( will build my Church." It.a
pur�and function is dual: l j Jnus commanded
itsapo11tll!'&. ··Coye into all theworldand pre11.chthe
Cnspt"l": 2) He commandN!, •·fHO my shttp."
Feedmember!l.spiritual food.
How is the Church of God financed? As God
has directed, by the tithea and frttwill (un!'.oli­
cited) offerinp of God's J)l!'Ople. The Worldwide
Church of Goel ne,ver 10licit8 the public for
contr-ibutiona. [t handlet only
not thie public's money. And it reports regularly
to thOH givin1 Goo's MONEY on how 11nd for
wh•t it i1 e,;pencl,ecl
Liet m,e hiere reveal !IOme
the inner workinJs
and organiz.ied prociedurie• of thls Church­
unique amonc all churche-a or institutions in tht>
world. You, Mr.Attorne-y General. should have
done your homeworll and familiarized yourself
with thl'M' racta before your office, launched thi1
unconstitutional perwcution'
Notice carefully. The Worldwide Chur,h of
Goel is nt'ithier a charitable trust nor • small
you apparently uaumed.
trst, how do we carry out the Great Com·
miuion-10 to •II the world with Chri1t'1 Mes
Beginning January, 1934, our World Tomor.
row radio prorram went on the •ir. then weekly
By 1942 it became daily. Jn all these ye,an it hu
never ceued. By the, dec•de of thl!' 'SO. we used
mor'f' wati.,e or radio power than any proeram
on earth. Be,ginnin1 1955, the prorram went on
television rout to cout. Thi• became the large-at
alloution on the annual budtiet
&,innin1 February, 1934, w,e began public•
lion o{ what has be<=ome one o{ t.M world', fine.I.
mau·circul11.tion ma1azinet,
maraiine of undentanclin1.
is fret! to th,e
public -nn !l.ubscription pric", carrte!. no advertis
ing. full ct1lor. 1n tive lan2uages. circulation ovt>r
two million monthly This uniqut" mal{azine CO\'
trs the real me1min1t behind world nt'ws. human
interest suh
ects, human and world proble,ms
viewtd fr,im the b1b!1cal approach. It sparklH
with d'l-·namic human intere!'.t. A �uhscription 1s
otfered the puhlic ,M:u. but only on re-quest
We send, luttion frtt. but only on requt>st. a
monthlv Biblt C'orrespondenct> Courst>. current
ly with f,0,000 E"nro!ltd stud1mts. Exams are,
re,quired and g111ded
Be11ide� this we otfer thit public, fret", without
follow-up rt>quest for contributions, multiplt>
millions nf cnpiM of bookliet.s. books and othtr
11.ttract1ve litf'rature
Finally, 11,,e ,arry the Go,,pel Ml'"".881{1!' into the,
world bv f'f:RSONAL EVIII.NGl!LISMI. Orclaint'd even•
gelist.s have, rnnducted public lectures in many
cities in the llnitNi'IS, Britain. France,
West Cermany, nations in Africa, Asia and
elsewht>re around the world
Last of all, and least in expenditure on our
11.nnual bodge-t of any operation or dt"partment.
have be.f'n my penon11I tours proda1mtn1
Christ's Mieuage tnto many part.a or the world. 1
have, held personal le-cturn before large public
audiences 1n many countt'iN. [ havie conferred
with privatt>ly. on their pt>rsonal invitation.
many kinga, empero"· prNiden�. prime minis­
ters and other top iechelon officials of many
I have rKeivtd highHt honors from
such nation8 as Japan. Israel, ,Jordan. F
vpt, the
Phi!tppinn, Lebanon, Thailand, Ne,pal. F.thio­
pia, South Africa. C'Oflta Rica. Chile,, India, the
Peop!e,"s Republic of f'hina and othiera.
These missions. commanded by JHua Christ,
are what you have clenounc,ecl .u "siphonin1 otf
millions of dollars e,vtry ye,ar" for the personal
11.ccount of mysf'lf and Stanley R fueler who h.u
accompanied me. Yet this Gospel function wu
allocated tht> smallewt amount on our annual
How Carry Out the Second Church
We have hundriecla of local congre,1ations all
over the world. pastored by orclain,ecl ministe".
These are unique in th•t � percent to 100
percent of me,mben attend re•ular weekly Sab­
bath servicea. Our ministers hold, bNidN, week­
night Bible studies
We issuie wee,Jdy from Pasadena headquarters
• Pa:tlor Gf>neral's Report for all ministen. It
contains up to· the·minutie ne...-. of Church
activitie-s. Ministe" pau much of this on to their
�ex.t. we issue for all members biwttkly a
t.abloid neW!paper, The Wor!dw1dt' New, Thi•
rl!"(ularly inform, membe-n on Church activ-itiet
and how God's mone.,. if. bein1 'lpent. Alto new,
or local concregations and person•! newt con­
cerning me,mbers
Still further. wt publish for all membeni I
monthly full-color magazine. The Coad .'Veu'.f
fhis magazine contatns articlea t.f'ach1n1 the
ways of (' hr1stian living. good nt>i1hbor1Lntt1,
spiritual food from the R1ble
ft "fttds the
flock" in print
Finally, as one di�·i11ion of the Mail Proct".,,!'.ing
Dt'partment. is thl' Pt'n:;(mal \urrespondt>nce �r
\·ice Here ordained ministt>rs answer thousands of
personal letters. from bothmem�rs and the public.
answtrm1r biblical qut>stmn§ and g1v1n,2 Pf'T!lonal
For ThiP•e Dual Function•.
How Organized?
In the Church ii Corinthians 12) are spiritu11.I
gift.a 1mparlf'cl by Cod's Holy Spmt for the
various admini11trations 11.ncl operations God haa
"'E°t m thiese !ip1r1tual office-s apustles. evanl!'.I!'
I ists. pastol"I, tuchen, elders. The-y are, not
t"lectecl but chosen bv Chri11t. The guvernmPnt m
the Church of God
ill thll'fX:rat1c and h1e,rarchi
from Goel. throu-h C'hri!lt,
through His
chown apo111tle and on down. as t'!ltabli!lhed by
Je-susChrist and the �ewTestament. Theo ltvmg
Christ 111 Head of the Church
Training for Service
Theo Worldwide Church of God maintains it.a
own educational in11litutions-both on the colle
itiatt' Je,vE"I and element.11.ry. 1'.mbasaador Colle1e
has heen founded on thrtt campusH-Pasa
dena. Tex.ea and England We have maintained
elementarv and !l,t'("ondary Khools on all thrl'f!
for children of members
These libenl art.a colle-gl!'&, with the,oloeical
majo"· were, foundedto train ministeniand other
personnel The, ,ampus inPasadiena was found,ecl
in England in
and mTt'ul in 1964
Wht>n net>dtd Pf'l"lonnel provided from the En
itlish and Texas campusesbttame adequate,, they
were closed. but the P&aadtna campu11 continue�
Wht"n .J�u, Chri!lt tinit founde-d the Church of
G,Ki. He penionally taught and trainiecl the oriii ·
nal apostlt'II. Thereafter mmiste,rs and nttded
penonnel were trainiecl by•po9tle-11. [nOld Tnta·
ment tirnH.. the- prophet Elijah had otgamnd
threecollege-!'., called ··Sons of thie Prophet.II "
The, Worldwide Church of God
is utterly
unique. even among churcht!!I. It is the prewnt
generation of the s..w11 CHURCH Jesus Christ
found,eclA.D 31, with all operations and or1ani­
zation continuing
outlined in the B1bll!'. True.
Wt do !IOmt' thing/I other churchH do not and
refrain from some thing, others do. But we
neither proselyte not compete. Wie hold only
love for all. And we wllfe this de-fense for ALL
But. Mr. Attornt>y General. in th,e prewnt
perM"cution you have •ttacked tht> living Goo
and His CHURCH
I have, e1plainecl above what
this Church
really is, it.a purpoees and functions, how ors• ·
nized and oper•tecl
Now. contr.-riwise. WHAT 11!1 A PU8LIC CHARIT..
Jt ia a !'.eCulu firm or organization
formed by lega.l agre,e,ment in which confidence
is place,d for the handling of Puauc coHTR1auno
WON&Y. We, havie NONI of the factors that com·
a charitable trust
We handle only
MONIY for God', com·
manded purpoees, frttly and voluntarily given
by Go(h peopl,e for the purpou!li for which it is
Your sworn duty, Mr. Attorney General. i1 to
LAW-notbreak the l•w contrary
to the Constitution by penttutin1 CHURCHl:I
whOH libertiet •nd ri1ht.. are 1uaranteed by tM
Hr.:Ra�rr W. AI\MSTI\ONG
Pastor G,ener•I
Worldwide Church of God
Ir the rieader would care to namine any of the publications
mentioned •bove, a sample copy will be lt"nt 1ratis upon
requett�no follow-up. You may also receive a sample copy or
subecription (no au1*:ription price I of
The, Plain. Truth
zine upon requnt.
or call toll-free, (8001 423-4444. [n C•lifornia c•ll colliect t213)
[f you have aome queetion1 for the attorne,y 1eneral o( the
state or California. write to him, The Hon. Georie Deukmejian.
California Attorney General, S.55 Capitol Mall, Sacramento,
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