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better. The brethren seem to be sinking their "roots" deeper into
the Church. More people are talking about the end times and the
imminency of the great tribulation. Overall, a positive and sober
spirit exists in our area.
ELKHART, IN--RAND MILLICH: We continue to be getting new individuals
who are interested in the Worldwide Church of God. Many have been
reading the P.T. for years. Now they want to begin acting on what
they know. This has been encouraging to the rest of the congrega­
PORTSMOUTH, OHIO--DAVE TREYBIG: Some friends of members starting
to attend services. Growth at this time seems to be coming by word
of mouth rather than through broadcast, PT Newsstands, etc. This
month had highest monthly attendance ever. Small earthquake in
this usually calm area set many to thinking of end time more fer­
vently. No injuries or property damage to members. Much apprecia­
tion for Mr. Armstrong's Galatians tapes. Church loyal and growing.
MOBILE, AL--STEVEN D. MOODY: We have had consistently high attend­
ance this month--showing a renewed zeal for learning and an increased
awareness of the sobering times in which we are living.
We have had our first meeting in Biloxi as I write this. The attend­
ance was overwhelming--186!! We had many visitors for we calculated
only 100 possible people. We started with a lot of enthusiasm and
appreciation for the new congregation.
in the last year. They are
and are really getting into
studies and Bible games.
Weekly Letter Comments
The youth have made excellent progress
becoming more responsive and respectful,
activities on the Sabbath such as Bible
The letters this week begin with gratitude to Mr. Armstrong from a couple
who held fast to truth delivered by God's Apostle. Other comments show
that the audiovisual presentations produced by Media Services are being
enthusiastically received in the Churches; the new edition of THE UNITED
STATES AND BRITAIN IN PROPHECY is again bearing fruit; and subscribers,
co-workers and members alike tell us they are solidly behind Mr. Armstrong
and God's Work despite the "60 Minutes" rerun of their program about the
God's Apostle Laid the Foundation
Mr. Armstrong, we cannot find the words to adequately express the
deep feelings and the great esteem with which we hold you in our
In the 1960s and early 70s it was your written articles in The PLAIN
TRUTH, TOMORROW'S WORLD, and GOOD NEWS which led us faithfully into
sound Biblical doctrine. When the troubles came in the 70s we
remembered and held fast. We knew who was God's Apostle and your