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In the first week of August Mr. Rader was in New York state for several
TV and radio interviews. They included the "Midday with Bill Boggs" show
on WNEW-TV, the Candy Jones Show on radio station WMCA, and Channel 7's
"Good Morning New York." In addition, Mr. Rader visited New Rochelle,
where he was interviewed on the "Westchester Open Line" over WVOX radio.
These successful interviews were typical of many around the country where
Mr. Rader has been representing the Worldwide Church of God, and explain­
ing its confrontation with the California attorney general. The inter­
views quite often are variations on a talk show format where listeners
can call in with their questions. This opens Mr. Rader to receive an
extremely broad range of questions--most friendly, a few not so friendly-­
which he always faces squarely with spontaneity and candor.
Mr. Herbert Armstrong said in a November 1978 co-worker letter, "Even
though God has called us out of the world, yet we must be IN it, and are
commissioned to go TO it with Christ's gospel." And that is exactly what
Mr. Rader is doing on behalf of Mr. Armstrong and the Work of God.
In every single interview there is at least one question--though usually
many--from either the interviewer or a caller asking about the Church's
teachings or Commission. And Mr. Rader, who has been at Mr. Armstrong's
side during countless talks, speeches and sermons to world leaders and
the public around the world, is well qualified to explain the Great
Although these interviews are instrumental in informing the public of the
danger of the California lawsuit to the constitutional freedoms of ALL
churches, the lawsuit has become a vehicle with which to grab the interest
of the casual listener. The really incredible story of the receivership
invariably leads people to listen and learn about the worldwide Work and
Church of the Living God, which they may not have heard of before.
One show host referred to Mr. Rader's book, Against the Gates of Hell, as
certainly "not a frivolous book" and urged his listeners to get a copy.
In fact, all the interviewers plugged the book repeatedly throughout their
programs. This will be helpful as the book is just now going on sale in
bookstores around the country. The book is another lively means by which
we can explain what happened when the Church was assaulted by the state,
and what the Worldwide Church of God is all about.
On the "Good Morning New York" show, Mr. Rader was asked a number of
questions about "60 Minutes" and whether he thought Mike Wallace had come
to do a hatchet job on him. Mr. Rader, taking advantage of the tremendous
interest in the Church and related issues generated by the CBS story,
clarified some of the gray areas of the 3 1/2 hour Mike Wallace interview
which was virtually dismantled and reassembled in the CBS cutting rooms.
During the same talk show, Mr. Rader was asked a very interesting question
by a caller. We will now quote the caller: "Good morning. My name is
John Tuit. I'm the originator of the lawsuit, which is the subject of
this program. My question to Mr. Rader is, why does he persist in put­
ting forth the story that myself and the other relators were put up to